Appreciate the response! Could you please elaborate when you say, "it helped." Did you always have issues equalizing and noticed a significant difference equalizing after the procedure? Did you have one ear that was more stubborn than the other and the procedure resolved it?
I spoke with an ENT a little while back and actually reached out to Dr. Mike here on the forums. I also scheduled a 2nd opinion consultation in the coming weeks.
It it was my right ear that I had difficulty clearing. As in even above water. After the surgery where he straightened a couple places and widened several more the ear is still slower than the left but will clear every time. I think several hundred dives practicing has helped too. I start clearing before my head goes under the water and at least once every breath to about 40 feet. Go slow, clear early and often. I find that after the salt water sinus purge of the first dive the second dive is easier. I do know a guy who uses a Netty Pot before diving. He swears by it, I hate the damn thing. I guess if it keeps you from having a surgery it is an option. My surgery was easy. Same day, orthoscopic, no packing up the nose. Tylenol was plenty for the pain. The worst thing was rubbing neosporin on the stitches inside my nose. Sorry about the lack of technical info, my medical expertise is limited to "I feel good, I don't feel good"