So there we were cruising along at 30' enjoying the reef at Andrea II. I look up and see a large catamaran above us. I realize it's probably the Woodwind so I signal go up to my buddy. After a slow ascend I put my head above water, 20' or so from the Woodwind. I immediately dove back underwater, after I got my bearing, I looked for my dive buddy. I swam to him and tried to drag him back down but I was to late and he cleared the surface. He also immediately dove back down.
Well it seemed that day was the nude cruise on the Woodwind and I'm not sure how to put this without offending but the group that day were particularly ugly, old and fat and NAKED. It was not a pretty picture.
Since that time and over a few Brights we decided two hands over both eyes is the UW universal sign for fat, ugly, old people ahead do not look.