So you missed this point:
The By-law committee are being asked to review and comment on all NACD By-laws making recommendations of any needed amendments, additions or deletions. The By-law committee shall pay close attention to NACD organizational structure, BoD requirements,Compliance to Federal, State and IRS laws as to maintain the 501(c) status. Additionally where applicable to consider the by-laws as suitable to meet an international membership. By-laws having recommendations for amendment, addition or deletion must state the reason for such amendment, addition or deletion.
I see them; The lawyers as not part of the committee but as advisers to the committee, working with the by-law committee as a resource.
Tell us why this is an issue?
Also maybe you could explain why seeking international opinion is also an issue?
I think going international tells non-Florida members they have a say in the agency and moves away from what is the Florida centric but systemic ol'boys club
To the contrary, I see the point very clearly. The membership has no vehicle for changing either the by-laws, or the BOD. How many voting members are left in the organization? What percentage of that number live within 100 miles of the polling place? Why can't ballots be submitted by mail (to a disinterested 3rd party)? This is all very easy to change. Instead you're going to hang a legal Sword of Damocles over the committee, and put the NACD's lawyer in the room to record every utterance.
Do you not see that this shows a lack of both trust and respect for your committee?
Just do whatever you want with the by-laws, and keep doing what you're doing, don't waste people's time working on by-law suggestions that they have no power to implement.