I Tivo'd the show, and had to fast forward thru all the blathering to actually see the results, it just got to the point that I couldn't stand listening to Jamie anymore
Jaws was a movie, for entertainment, if they would have shot the bottom of the tank and then the tank took off like a missle thru the shark, well that's not very pretty, nor very entertaining. Big explosion, entertaining, seeing a "missle" of compressed air rip thru a huge animal, gross (blood and guts everywhere, at least in the sceen in jaw's you can see the bolts flying tword the camera, yea you can, use the slow mo feature!!!).
As far as some of the other myths... I don't think anyone should jump into the water in "armor" and then start punching sharks, there was a very real possiblity that he could have ended up with a shark up his arm (his fist in the belly) and they have enough jaw force to still break your bones even in the sharp teeth won't go thru the "armor"...
And the part about the piano wire.... COME ON GUYS have you NEVER BEEN FISHING??? I routinely catch trout on 2lb. test mono filimant that weigh in at 5 or 6 lbs. (catch and release area). It's well known in fishing that you can catch fish that weigh more than the "test" of the line your using, you just can't "haul" them up in the boat like your some kind of crane, you have to use a net, and you have to have some degree of finesse with a rod and reel.
Anyway, the show is entertaining at least (I mean I really dig see'n what's her face in the bikini, though someone should have told her that if your on National TV you should really shave your arm pits before the camera catch's you. DISCLAIMER: My wife is the one that pointed this out, if you have this show recorded or on Tivo you can verify this by watching the part where she's in the red bikini, she reaches across the camera's shot and BOOM! face full of arm hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, anyway>... I should really get back to my cert book