I do not dive like I used to. This post, and the subsequent comments makes me realize “you don’t know what you don’t know.” I was a long distance runner and, during a drift dive a few years back, my buddy and I were blown off a reef due to a very long descent. (She had equalization problems). I cannot remember the specifics, but I was (am) very fit and she was older than I, (thin too) but did not exercise, was a heavy drinker/smoker. So, we had to swim against the current for a bit, she just could not do it so we held hands and I “towed” us both quite a ways. I wasn’t panting, but I was working pretty hard. I now see why that might not have been a good idea, but at the time, I had no clue this could have put me at risk. I chalk this up to another one of those incidences where hindsight is 20/20 and I had Lady Luck on my side.