My venture into Sidemount.

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Thanks, I believe it might be the link to Steve Martin's Tips & Tricks/Configurations.
I found that link a little while back and actually liked the way it seemed to mate up like they were made for each other. After some consideration, I have pulled the trigger on getting the Hollis wing. I should get it next week sometime. :dork2:
You've got quite a few very good divers near your area. Maybe you can meet up with some of them and they can provide you with some pointers and direction.

Absolutely, but not many doing SM (1 I know of).

While like i said I'm not a tech/cave diver, I'm tech "lite". I'm UTD Rec 3, my normal dives are with a big steel 119 or 130 and a BP/W 7' hose, big can lights, min deco and all that.

This just seemed like something else that would be fun to try, I really don't have any goals for going SM other than just having some fun with it. I like building stuff, this seemed like a good opportunity to play around with some dive gear.

Hi! :wavey:

I actually put myself in that cold-butt mountain Lake Pleasant today!! Vis was great - 30-50' above ~50'. The water temp was 55oF --- :cold:

It felt really good to be back in sidemount -- still dialed in! My buoyancy is still limited to about a 3-foot window . . . otherwise I start ascending or dropping. :idk: Things to work on!

Yo, ROB! You'd have been proud of me -- I hooked up two stage bottles with some modicum of style and grace! :D Okay, they were only a 30 and a 40 bottle, but ya gotta start somewhere!!! :rofl3:

My March dive for the final AN/DP dives fell through, so now I'm looking at April. That'll give me another five weeks to practice with my gear, and get smooth on the pony swapping. Also, five weeks for San Carlos to warm up! It's in the low 60's, now.
Hey, new to this thread but thought I would add my own very limited experince with my razor clone in the pool.

First thing, I made a small error when I ordered the webbing for my harness, I got the soft seatbelt style nylon webbing instead of the stiff one and found that even though it works it's just not secure enough.
Secondly, diving with just one al 80 3mil shortie I needed no weight or lift, and it was awesome just diving around, very very liberating.
I used a triangle ss ring and one stabalizer plate that I think dive right sells to thread my harness and found that it works pretty well, a couple tri-glide kept everything just about in place.

I was really digging the sidemount set up. the simplicity of the razor type harness is what I like the best, I just want something I could throw into a small bag and travel with, no need for a bulky bc or heavy steel plate and wing.
Welcome, FF! :)

We hope you'll post more on your rig, and we love pictures!
Sure once I get new webbing. I might also buy some custom made plates, but for now the triangle and stabilizer works so let's see what happens.
I'm going to be going of a boat, in sidemount, for the first time.

The expected waves will be slight, as we set up on the lee side of the island. Unfortunately, I don't know if our LDS will have 'splashed' his boat by then, and I maybe on a different (bigger) boat.

I plan on hooking up my right cylindar and bungeed reg and doing a giant stride in. Now, how to get the second bottle and two [-]pony[/-] deco bottles?

I'm thinking to bring a 10' rope with a dog clip on it since my bottles have rings around the valves.

Do I have them hang it off the side, tied on a rail, and take the bottles one-by-one?

Do I have them hold the rope and hand them down one-by-one?

Do I have them hold the rope until I take the rope from them, and put the rope in a pocket or bag? Separate rope per bottle?

My biggest concerns are

(a) I will probably be the first sidemount diver off the boat, and I want to leave them with a pleasant experience

(b) I want to be efficient in getting my stuff without being in the way of other divers.

(c) I don't want to drop any bottles! :)

Any tips for this newb's first-time boat sidemount discharge? :D
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I'll be interested in your conclusions, Jax ... three weeks after I get back from Marianna I'll be heading down to the Channel Islands to dive off the Peace. Giant striding off that boat can be an adventure in backmount ... can't wait to see how it works in a sidemount rig ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
:giggle: The giant stride should be the easy part . . . It's grabbing hold of the additional bottles that ought to be a carnival! :)

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