I didn't know you worked for the magazine also
Well it's good it's the 2nd and not the 3rd I guess. Is there any chance that this can work itself out? It seems to be getting to be less and less of a leak... I don't know, wishful thinking maybe?
Edit: just went back and looked, sure enough it's the 2nd stage.
I work with the sweat of my brow for who ever wants to pay me I'm not that fussy. But thanks for the magazine suggestion. Now as for
"this can work itself out" nonsense that my friend is the sort of junk advice that belongs in a womans magazine. Hope dies last with the wishful thinking.
If you can't hear it leaking anymore there is a simple answer: You've gone deaf with the noise its been making.
Take it out inspect the rings and replace the o-ring if required.
Now you do have one advantage if you still have that 2nd stage pressure gauge fitted, check the interstage pressure
while running.
1st group in barg and psi line is at FINAL PRESSURE
2nd group is 2ND STAGE @ SEA LEVEL
3rd group is 2ND STAGE @ 1500 M 5000 FT ELAVATION
Done in BARG and PSIG just to confuse the heck out of everyone
137 barg / 2000 psig 29.3-32.7 barg /425-475 psig 26.8-30.3 barg /390-440 psig
172 barg / 2500 psig 31.0-34.4 barg /450-500 psig 28.9-32.4 barg /420-470 psig
207 barg / 3000 psig 32.7-36.2 barg /475-525 psig 31.0-34.4 barg /450-500 psig
241 barg / 3500 psig 34.4-37.9 barg /500-550 psig 33.1-36.5 barg /480-530 psig
275 barg / 4000 psig 37.2-41.3 barg /540-600 psig 35.8-39.3 barg /520-570 psig
344 barg / 5000 psig 40.0-44.8 barg /580-650 psig 37.9-42.7 barg /550-620 psig
Low pressure will be caused by one or more of the following:
Worn 1st or 2nd stage piston rings.
Leaking 1st stage valves.
Broken 1st stage head gasket.
Leaks in piping or 0-rings.
High 1st stage piston clearances.
Restricted inlet hose or filter.
High pressure will be caused by one or more of the following:
Leaking 3rd stage valves back into the
Worn 3rd stage rings.
Warning: Running the compressor for long periods with low interstage pressure may cause
overheating of the 3rd stage resulting in reduced ring life and probable 3rd stage 0-ring failure. Your call,