Just sharing my stick with you all. The 2" mixer was found on amazon. The o2 sensors are from divegearexpress the rest was home depot. Under $250 bucks.
Filled my cascade tanks to 32%. Took 1 1/2 K bottles @2000 psi of o2 to fill 4 E9421-4500 tanks to 4500 EAN32. 1 sensor on the stick the other on a leaking HP fill port.
I have enjoyed this build and look forward to where it takes me next.

Filled my cascade tanks to 32%. Took 1 1/2 K bottles @2000 psi of o2 to fill 4 E9421-4500 tanks to 4500 EAN32. 1 sensor on the stick the other on a leaking HP fill port.
I have enjoyed this build and look forward to where it takes me next.