My morning dive report...

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
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Devil's Throat
Max depth: 140
Time: 32 min.
Temperature: 81
Visibility: At least 140 feet. I could see the surface from max depth; I couldn't see the bottom of the dropoff where we exited, but it was a couple thousand feet, I think.
Amazing dive.
South Point of CZM would be my guess.
Cozumel - it's a series of caves that exit out onto a vertical wall on the reef at about 140'.

The Devil's Throat at Punta Sur is an underwater cave formation located offshore of Cozumel that starts at approximately 80 feet of depth and opens up at approximately 135 feet - right at the edge of recreational dive limits.

The Devil's Throat is considered a "must dive" experience by scuba divers visiting Cozumel. Yet, due to the depth and the fact that it is a cave, it is considered an advanced dive. A longer than standard Safety Stop, or stops, is heavily recommended to minimize risk of decompression sickness.
Nice blue water. On a single AL80, though?!? How long is the overhead portion?
Yes, it's at Punta Sur. We did it on 100's (I thought the posted pic was from DT, but maybe not--not my camera). I wouldn't attempt DT on an 80. We ran the gas calc at a worst case depth of 150 with deco and on thirds, and it wasn't doable on 80's if we observed thirds.

The overhead portion is maybe a minute and a half, and that includes stopping for pictures. My log has me entering the overhead at 7:29 minutes into the dive and exiting at 8:39 minutes. We shot a video of the overhead section, and it runs about three minutes from entry of the first diver to the exit of the last diver. There are multiple exit points, the overhead doesn't really go completely dark at any point, and there are no real restrictions. We planned for deco and stayed well within our profile, made a nice, slow ascent, performed all of our deco stops, and finished with plenty of gas. Incidentally, we were through the overhead before any of us hit 1/3 of our gas supply.

That said, everyone on the dive was a DMC or higher, and all of us had deco training and some overhead training (wreck). I wouldn't recommend that a new diver make the dive, but for someone with the training, it's a great dive.

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