Efficacy, is the extent to which a desired effect is achieved; the ability to produce a desired amount of the desired effect, or the success in achieving a given goal. Contrary to the term efficiency, the focus of efficacy is the achievement as such, not the resources or optimization of time spent in achieving the desired effect. Therefore, what is effective is not necessarily efficacious, and what is efficacious is not necessarily efficient.
Again . . .
if you believe that protecting the Fast Tissues from supersaturation is important as per the tenets of RD, you will be taking a relatively more conservative approach in its implementation in order to compensate for the loading and surfacing supersaturation later of the Slow Tissues. Is that clear? Y'all understand that?
For my application at that time (Truk Feb 2015), I chose the "efficacy" of progressively extending out my shallow O2 deco stops on RD 1.0 after consecutive days of two mandatory staged deco dives per day in order to reduce surfacing and residual inert gas tensions on the Slow Tissues, with the use of a Sherwater Petrel Computer running in parallel GF30/85 and electively decreasing the GFhi surfacing value to 70 or 60 during the O2 stops (refer to post #329
Deep Stops Increases DCS)