True but the modern scientific recommendation ultimately comes out to be the same prolonged shallow stops that got a lot of guys like JJ and GI3 bent. This is why some of these old school DIR people like AG would say that even before Navy studies were done, we already did that pure Buhlmann shallow stop which is being propagated now and we have gotten skin bends so no thanks. Keep your science to yourself we want to be safe. Been there, done that and gotten bent! GI3 is talking exactly when he talks about skin bends and those other symptoms.
There seems to be a disconnect between NEDU and the collective dives done in early GUE days here and I am wondering if Helium could be a factor? NEDU people were doing deep air and these guys were experiencing symptoms on Helium so while there is some research to show that Helium off gases at the same rate at nitrogen, the same paper also states that
"a few data exists that directly compare the decompression obligation resulting for Helium Oxygen and Nitrogen Oxygen of bounce dives for identical depth and duration."
The other explanation could be that some people just respond better to deep stops and they are a minority. When DIR began, some mathematical co-incidence resulted with them ending up together and that is why their collective trial and experimentation resulted in deep stops.