Good to read that you got out without trouble, I have no experience diving in kelp, but I think that you were not in real danger (500 psi at 30 ft can last a lot)
You are probably right but remember at this point I was under weighted, had just experienced a pretty much uncontrolled ascent from 30 feet, and until I surfaced was unsure how far I was from the boat. Not to mention I had ditched a buddy for the first time ever. Even if I could descend far enough to get below the kelp and swim against the current I was not in the right frame of mind to do so. I was also sucking air like it was going out of style. I was definitely stressed mentally and physically at this point. I probably didn't need assistance to get back to the boat on the surface but I'm not sure of that. Asking for help may have been the only thing I did right on this dive.