Even with all the potential variables that can be encountered on a DORIA dive, an experienced diver should be able to cope very easily and still have a very enjoyable dive.
1. I recall that all of those that have died on the Doria so far were very experienced divers. No matter how much experience you have, the risks are simply magnified on the wreck.
2. There are few charters that will take inexperienced divers to the Doria. (Are there any?) No captain likes calling the CG. Ruins everyone's day.
3. My enjoyment came from "surviving" the dives. There's not much to see. There's no way I'll spend the $$ or the time again. Most people do it for bragging rights. This is unfortunately too true. I was one of them.
4. First time I dove the SG, the currents were much worse than on the Doria. Kinda ironic. When we did our SS, we were hanging horizontally on the line.