FAQ Mouseover Pop-up Windows

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Mouseover Pop-up Windows​

Mouseover is also known as mouse hover, pointer hover, and hover box. It means letting mouse pointer linger over mouseover-enabled elements without clicking any mouse buttons, which triggers a small window to display.

Thumbnail Mouseover​

Mouseover a thread title and a thumbnail will pop of the thread. This thread is all text at the top.


Mouseover a thread with an image at the top and it will display in the thumbnail.

Profile Mousoever​

Mouseover a member's Avatar and their profile window will pop.

The profile will also popup will also display when you mouseover a member's alert in a post.



Mouseover your small avatar in a thread you have relied in and the number of your replies in that thread will show in the Tooltip.

Reaction Menu​

Mouseover the Like button and the Reactions menu will pop. Mouseover the icon and a Tooltip will pop.

Link Icon Mouseover​

Mouseover the Link icon and the Share this tread menu will pop.

Mouseover the Copy icon and this Tooltip will pop.

Editor Toolbar Icons​

Mouseover any icon on the toolbar and a Tooltip will pop.


Hypertext Link Mouseover​

By default, hypertext links in a post are a different color and change underlined on a mouseover. This is to prevent confusion with regular underlined text that might be a different color.


Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.


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