Most Pointless and Ridiculous Thread Ever on ScubaBoard!

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This kitty's phone doesn't have video viewing capabilitys...
Howcome every time I go for a walk in the morning the Lee County Sheriff pulls me-over due to suspicious acitivity?...
Phone? Does that mean you don't have a computer?
Howcome every time I go for a walk in the morning the Lee County Sheriff pulls me-over due to suspicious acitivity?...

:hm: Lemme guess . . . the "morning" of which you speak is the early, early am . . . :blinking:
Jax this kitty uses SB mobile 78% of the time due to being away from the computer...
Try more along the lines of 7:50 - 8:00am
:confused: Where are you now? It's 8:30-ish there, right?
Try more along the lines of 7:50 - 8:00am

Well, that explains it! :wink:

A teenager out and about before noon? :shakehead: Obviously you are up to something !!!!


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