Morehead dive trip report

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Richmond, Ky
Dove on the Midnight Express on Friday the 13th, with 13 divers...
guess the odds were against us!!
Got to the dive shop at 6am, boarded the boat & left the dock at 7. It was windy, but what do divers from Kentucky know about what the wind could do to the seas! Well, we found out shortly after leaving the inlet.
The intention was to go to the CaribeSea(?) but info over the radio said that it was REALLY bad out there, so we headed over to the Indra. After about 30 minutes of going through 5-8 foot waves, 8 out of the 13 divers got sick (& we still had another 20-30 minutes of travel time left) . Finally got to the wreck & only 6 of us decided to do the dive.
Did my giant stride, grabbed the rope & headed over to the anchor line. Once on the anchor line, I started going down to the wreck only to have my mask knocked off my face (fortunately I didn't panic, just did what I had to do & kept going down). Vis was only 5 feet at best, so didn't know I was actually down at the wreck til it was right before my eyes. Couldn't see much & it was really hard trying to keep track of your buddy(I lost him 3 times even though we were right next to each other all of the time)! Didn't seem like we were down there long when my buddy signals to me that he's got less than 1000 psi left (I've still got 2200, but it's okay with me that we gotta start going back).
So by now it's time to do our safety stop...we grab hold of the rope to do our 5 minute stop & i'm looking at my gauges. I'm being pulled up & down anywhere from 12 feet to 18 feet. My arms are feeling like they are being pulled out of the sockets & now is when I start to get the feeling that I'll NEVER be able to pull myself up the ladder.(wondering if they could just leave a rope in the water & tow me back)!! Finally did get up in the boat & was so exhausted that all I could do was take my bc off, get to the top of the boat & I passed out for the rest of the ride back.
The divers called off the 2nd dive of the day (there were only 3 of us that would have gone back in). Did some sightseeing for the rest of the day. Besides, tomorrow was another day & we were hopeful that things would be better....
We were scheduled for the afternoon boat the next day, so we had all morning long to do our touristy thing. As the day wore on though, we kept noticing that the wind was blowing harder than the day before. We were kindda hoping that the dive would be called (none of us wanted to go through what we had the day before)! Headed over to the dive shop & found out that indeed the captain had called in & said that the dive for the afternoon would be cancelled(we were all relieved). Got our stuff together & headed for home.
Can't say enough good things about Olympus Dive Shop, especially Captain Bob, Jordan or Chris. All of them made the trip pleasant & they did ever thing that they could to make sure everyone had as good of a time as they could . I'd love to go back there & try wreck diving again. Only next time, I'll be more concerned with the "killer" waves than diving around sharks!
When the waters good, the diving is great but when the wind blows up, it gets bad in a hurry.... ever wonder why we have so many ship wrecks? I hope you were not one of the green divers! Aren't NC ladder rides FUN?!
but only AFTER the dive.
Wonder if I could get a Specialty card for making it up the ladder??
It was pretty wild, but definately a good experience.
Hopefully next time I'm there the winds & vis will be lots better!
hey cturtle...welcome to the nc boogie...

getting off the boat isnt that bad....being jostled around and all that...trying tokeep your balance....yada yada...but when it comes time to get better have good timing.!!

i remember the first time i dove down at St. Thomas it was different...but i couldnt believe there were actually people complaining the boat was rocking a god....

they wouldnt let you put your gear on while on the had to go to a platform at the back of the boat...sit down and put your fins and mask on...then they would hand you your bcd...once just rolled forward.

to get back came up to the platform...left your fins and mask on....took off your bcd...the guy would grab it and haul it into the boat...then you belly flop back on to the platform and crawl into the boat...what a trip....(i really felt like a wuss after all my nc diving.!!)

come back again and give it another try...when making plans ...consider... ....good people.
I AM planning on coming back to try the diving again. I'll give these guys a call.
There's GOT to be some awesome diving there..just gotta keep trying til I can find out.:D
For now, I'll just dive the chilly calm waters of our quarry. Just glad that this wasn't my first ocean dive :wink:

Oh, and what's up with the woman on our boat wth the perfect manicure/pedicure complaining about her perfect little hairdo getting messed up on the boat ride out?? That gave me a few laughs!
If you call the guys at aquatics....or go on line to their website... try to plan your trip when they are going to dive the Markham and the Hyde.

These are two pretty good size ships and are pretty good dives. The barges are not that great a dive. One is really deteriorated over the years and the other isnt that hot either, but you would really enjoy the Markham and the Hyde.
I was also with Cturtle on the trip. Didn't get sick thanks to Dramamine. I agree with her...if this had been my first ocean dive, I may never have dove in the ocean again!!! Definitely not for beginners!!!

It was a great experience, I can say that much. I got my regulator jerked out of my mouth by the descent line on the way down. Saw a stingray and dropped down to what I thought was a lower deck on the wreck, but hit sand and realized that we were at the back of the boat. I signaled to my buddy to return to the boat...and at some point lost him. Alone, in 60 ft. of water, no wreck, strong current, EEEK!:wacko: It gave me a good shake! So I followed procedure, briefly circled and looked for my buddy, somehow found the wreck/ascent line and ended the dive. My buddy surfaced about a football field away from the boat about 2-3 min. after me (he was a dot on the horizon, for better reference), and mate Jordan swam out with a line an retrieved him. Ladder ride was a little bumpy but no problems...I was exhausted when I got back on the boat and had sucked down way more PSI than is usual for me!

I will defintely be back...I have a raincheck for a date with some sand tigers. I must get my pictures!!! Olympus was great, and I got to visit several lighthouses...Hatteras, Lookout, Okracoake, and Bodie.

THANK YOU to everyone who gave me such great info. for this trip on the board. I knew that it was going to be rough, but I never expected quite as much as I got! I have decided that you are not a real diver until you experience the Outer Banks! :mean:
Sorry the weather was so bad. I guess you didn't get to see my great white! Come back in August or Sept. The weather is usually better and the visibility much improved!
NCwreckdiver once bubbled...
Sorry the weather was so bad. I guess you didn't get to see my great white! Come back in August or Sept. The weather is usually better and the visibility much improved!

No, no great whites, no sand tigers:( . I felt lucky that I saw the sting ray. I think that was more than most people saw!

Our next trip looks like it is tentatively planned for Aug. 2004. We'll try it again!

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