more air?!?!?

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Frank Kohler

Reaction score
Lake Mary FL
ok i just got my tank out of where i keep it and i hooked the reg up to it and i know since my last dive i left 1000 psi in the tank but now theres 2000 psi? whats up with that i mean how did it incress so much?
Changes in temperature can definitely have an effect on the indicated volume inside your tank. So if you are storing it somewhere at a much warmer temp than it was at the end ofyour dive that can explain a change in the pressure. You might also want to take into consideration that you may have had more air in your tank at the end of the dive than you thought.
Charles' law tells us that, for a constant volume, the temperature would have to double for the pressure to double.

A better bet: the scuba gremlins snuck into your garage and added a thousand PSI. Or maybe a wife or buddy borrowed it without asking, returning it with 2000 PSI. Or maybe you just mis-read the guage...
Ummm. Pressure is directly proportional to absolute temp, so it changes only about 2% for every 10 F change.

At my age, I'd just chalk it up to a memory problem, but since your profile lists you as a teen diver, you might also check your SPG on another tank to eliminate erroneouos SPG readings as a possibility.
thank you for all the respons, lol well i know i did not miss read it after the last dive i recored my ending psi after every dive in a book, lol my room must have incressed in temp a lot.
You were visited by the Air Fairy! The only plausable explaination.
The needle could have been stuck the first time for whatever reason. Or, did you write the pressure down after you'd turned off the air? Lots of time the air will slowly leak out, so after a long boat ride or a trip home your hoses could have lost some pressure, even though there was really still 2000 psi in the tank.
Do you believe in Jesus...........miracle my friend.

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