Mr. Bubble
Have you ever been attacked by an eel? I was always under the impression that they look mean, but are relitively harmless. I guess I found out what "relitively harmless" really means. I went diving at a wonderfull Caribbean vaction locale and incountered a free swimming morey on a night dive. My buddy and I saw the eel, and I reached over to touch its tail. As I glanced on past him (her), I felt this intense tugging on the thigh of my wetsuit. I figured it was my buddy getting my attention to look at the eel and shrugged it off. The next thing I know is that the morey eel was up close and personnal with my BC, legs, tank and almost biting my face. I raised my hand and it swam off. That was exhilerating to say the least. After the dive, my buddy said, "I want to shake the hand of a man who servived a morey attack". I was like, " what do you mean?". It appears that the intense tugging I felt was the morey gnawing on my leg. It did'nt leave any marks on my wetsuit, thank goodness. It was brand new.
Anyone else have any eel stories? I now have a little more respect for these critters.
So relitively, I was attacked severly, but was not harmed.
just fodder for the masses :shocked2:
Mr. B
Anyone else have any eel stories? I now have a little more respect for these critters.
So relitively, I was attacked severly, but was not harmed.
just fodder for the masses :shocked2:
Mr. B