My wife had "an encounter" with a green moray in Roatan recently. She had seen it out , swimming freely, and she was following it to get a good photo, seeing as we are new to photograghy underwater. Well... The eel settled down and turned around and stopped... Looked at her. My wife took the opportunity to snap off a couple of pics. The eel stayed put so she moved a bit closer, and took another shot. She was about 4 feet away, trying to get the camera set up, when I saw the Eel start to move towards her. She saw it also, and started to back away, The eel came up and struck her lens as she pushed him away with the mera case. and then he retreated. I have never heard someone scream underwater before, I did that day. It all haapened so quickly I had no time to react. We all kinda laughed it off afterwards, but after looking at those pics, I might be a bit more cautious in the future. Bad news was my wife had the close up lens on when she was taking the photos, and forgot to take it off, so all the photos came out blurry. Too bad considering the (unknown to us) risk she took to get the shot. I didn't feel that she was too close, but the eel thought differently.