I didn't invite you to leave, and I am not saying "motos are bad" in any sort of absolute sense. My opinion is that it's not a good idea for someone who has never or seldom driven a scooter and who has never driven one in Cozumel traffic to rent one on Cozumel. Hordes of tourists do it every day, and enough of them get hurt that it's obvious to me that it's a dangerous and reckless practice.That's true Gordon. Is it my opinion or my tone that is leading you to invite me to leave?
You may be an experienced and conscientious moto driver and hence are taking on less risk than would your garden variety gringo on Cozumel. That's fine; I'm not talking to you. But every time I go to Cozumel I see gringos on motos weaving through traffic, racing each other, not paying attention to conditions around them, quite possibly under the influence of alcohol... Sure, diving has its risks as well but I hope we are all handling this risk knowingly and using our training to mitigate it. This is different.
As to my "invitation", by the title of this thread you should probably know what we are talking about. You don't have to participate and you are free to disagree, but the discussion is on topic.
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