Did a few sites the last couple days. Yesterday out to metridium "mountain" off Hopkins. Tons of metridiums of course. Some big lings, assorted rockfish. Millions of nettles in the midwater. Beautiful to watch, though they always seem to find the only skin exposed on my body... Sometimes I gotta pay to play... 60fsw. had a green 30+ft. of vis. 54 deg.
Second was the little pinnacle of Macabe. Nettles weren't as bad but still prolific. Lots of nidis and the resident sheepshead. Lots of big kings there as well
vis and temp were same as above. Top of the pinnacle about 30fsw, bottom about 55fsw
Day before that, got out to a site down in Big Sur. Bushwhacked and bouldered our way to an "easy" entry spot. Lots of bull and palm kelp and lots of rockfish. Saw some good abs as well 65-70fsw saw 50ft. of milky blue water. Temp was 52deg.