Almost dove the Metridium Fields today...
Dive time: 47 minutes
Max depth: 46 feet
Water temperature: 54F to 86F
Visibility: 5 to 15 feet in shallow water, increasing to about 20feet at about 40 feet depth
Surface conditions: Warm sunny day, Flat seas
The plan was to follow the pipe to the end, then head north to the Metridium Fields. The shallow water viz was poor, so we dropped early and found the pipe---much more exposed than in recent years. When we got to about 30 feet deep my buddy gave my fin a tug and pointed out all the Sea Nettles above us. I haven't seen any for a year or so, so had fun swimming through them shooting video.
When we got to the end of the pipe I shot some more video and was about to head off toward the metridiums when my buddy made it clear the Sea Nettles had been stinging her and we should return. We turned around, heading back along the pipe and in a few minutes I got stung too!!! (First time, for me.) We continued along the pipe for a while, then veered off on a southerly heading surfacing about in the middle of San Carlos Beach.