Home after two fun dives at Lobos, with only minor, non-dive related injury on the way home.
Water conditions were nice, small swell with just a little surge, 30 feet of milky viz, consistent water temperature of 53.6F at depth & 56.5F on the surface. The tide was heading out, complicating the second dive's exit.
FIrst dive: Hole in the Wall and Lone Metridium
Bottom time: 60 minutes
Max Depth: 63 feet
Visibility: 30 feet
Water temperature: 53.6 to 56.5F
Water state: glassy with small swell, 2 to 3 feet of water on the ramp and outgoing tide, noticed a bit of roughly west-to-east current out near Lone Metridium
Buddy was shooting macro, so we worked our way out in stages. Not a lot of fish, though saw some lings and buddy spotted a nice Cabezon. Lone Metridium was in full bloom. Was a little surprised to have a couple of tech divers catch up to us at Lone Metridium---we were the first team to arrive and I didn't notice anyone gearing up when we entered.
Second dive: Coal Chute Caves and Middle Reef
Bottom Time: 67 minutes
Max Depth: 44 feet
Visibility: 30 feet
Water temperature: 53.6 to 56.5F
Water State: Swell had picked up a little, not a lot of water on the ramp, a bit of surge.
My buddy had afternoon commitments so I buddied up with Raftingtigger and her buddy for my second dive. We surface swam to Coal Chute, decided the combination of low tide and swell made a top cave entry impractical and went into the caves from the front. After the caves, we tooled around Coal Chute cove for a bit, then worked our way over to Middle Reef and across Whalers, surfacing near the bluff.
There were several schools of Blue Rockfish, Lingcod and I tried to video 3 or 4 Sheephead.
As for my minor injury... I was tired/distracted and closed my truck door onto a finger when I stopped at McDonald's for my usual coffee and apple pie. D'oh! It didn't hurt too bad, but I had to get napkins from the counter person to stop the blood and raided my first aid kit for gauze and paper tape to bandage it up. Woke me up, though.