Tortuga Roja
Hey that was fun.
Dee - did you use a wet close-up lens on the bristle worm? If so which one? I just ordered a couple of them from Ryan last week and I'm anxiously waiting for them. Like you, I'm having a hard time reaching Ryan. Left email & phone message but nothing. I thought it was ordered but never got the confirmation email he said I would get so now I don't even know if they are on the way... well, I digress
I was curious about the lens because that shot is really nice and seems to have much more DOF than I expected from a close-up lens - or do Olys just have a better macro than my G2 - or is that one huge bristleworm
ssra30 - That's a cool nudi! looks like one we have in Hawaii that only found here called a gold lace nudi. Same markings and gills but a different color. here's a picture of one
Chippy - nice xmastree worms - yes they are invertibrates. I like the pastel colors
Dr Bill - how big, or I guess, how small were these critters. And what were you shooting with - very crisp.
Dive Girl - I've always said that if there was ever a reason to don a dry suit and enter water that cold, those guys would be the reason. One of the things that got me into diving was a description of your giants in a Cousteau (sp) book on octopus I read years ago. Still haven't done it but it's on my list...
Aloha all!
Dee - did you use a wet close-up lens on the bristle worm? If so which one? I just ordered a couple of them from Ryan last week and I'm anxiously waiting for them. Like you, I'm having a hard time reaching Ryan. Left email & phone message but nothing. I thought it was ordered but never got the confirmation email he said I would get so now I don't even know if they are on the way... well, I digress
I was curious about the lens because that shot is really nice and seems to have much more DOF than I expected from a close-up lens - or do Olys just have a better macro than my G2 - or is that one huge bristleworm
ssra30 - That's a cool nudi! looks like one we have in Hawaii that only found here called a gold lace nudi. Same markings and gills but a different color. here's a picture of one
Chippy - nice xmastree worms - yes they are invertibrates. I like the pastel colors
Dr Bill - how big, or I guess, how small were these critters. And what were you shooting with - very crisp.
Dive Girl - I've always said that if there was ever a reason to don a dry suit and enter water that cold, those guys would be the reason. One of the things that got me into diving was a description of your giants in a Cousteau (sp) book on octopus I read years ago. Still haven't done it but it's on my list...
Aloha all!