Moderation: Too much or too little?

What is your GENERAL feeling about SB moderation?

  • I'd like to see more moderation

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • I'd like to see less moderation

    Votes: 26 23.2%
  • I think the current level of moderation is fine.

    Votes: 74 66.1%
  • I have another opinion - state below

    Votes: 8 7.1%

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I said it before and I'll say it again. Two forums, Basic Scuba Discussions & New Divers and Those Considering Diving, should stand out from the other forums somehow. Green stripe down the left edge, color the background, ... -my opinion, nothing more than that.
No problem. While NetDoc is the grand poobah... I am the stats guy. I'm in sales and marketing, and know our stats, as that's my job. Forgive Pete for citing the stat posted on our forum homepage.

I should also add, that there is are many people who use SB but just don't post. The reason most often cited is that "ScubaBoard is mean"

So when people in the minority comment that, "it's just an internet forum, toughen up" that quite frankly perpetuates the problem and confirms that ScubaBoard IS mean. If current moderation efforts "Re-Focus on Friendliness" is that bad? A very vocal minority wants to criticize ScubaBoard for that, and really... why? Is it so important to bash people? Is it better to run off new divers who seek knowledge and understanding of the sport? While ScubaBoard has many areas where regulars can chat, and go off topic and even argue. The fact of the matter is that ScubaBoard is pretty much about Scuba. Shouldn't we encourage people to post, and offer divers polite responses (especially new divers) rather than running them off, and scaring people away?

I tend to disagree with some of this.... I know a few people that have come here, and they just "aren't forum people"...they would rather read, sort out the BS, and use what might seem good. (and never post diddly)

I know from using other forums (not diving related) that I have decided that a decent amount of people are "keyboard experts" and pretty much learned to take anything they say with a grain of salt. That exists here (i.e. read through accidents and incidents and you'll see people that jump in with "well he should have done ____") You will NEVER change these types of people! It's easy to sit behind a computer, anonymous to the world and postulate on anything, and if you talk loud and frequent enough, someone will believe you! "Oh, "Buoyant1 MUST know what he's talking about, he has 90-billion posts, and is in every thread" That, to me, is where the moderators need to step up, correct, edit, send "pm's" and make sure that those people are corrected, and those that are learning get the correct information! (and also cause for the B.S. flag and the :popcorn: smiley) In fact, maybe you should make sure that the moderators of the New Diver and Basic forums ARE at least DM certified so they can wade through the BS and get people on the right path...I think the mods SHOULD patrol the other forums just to make sure no one is giving horrible advice as well, but the basic and new divers should at LEAST have that sort of consideration given to them....

One thing that annoys the crap out of me (and should be moderated) is when someone posts a question and you get the "search is your friend" message...gimme...a....break! When I had more time to spend here I would see those threads where someone would ask the most "inane/newbie-ish/we've heard it a thousand times read your dang PADI manual kind of question" and answer it. What did I have to lose? That person (with 4 posts to their name) posted a legitimate question for someone either just starting or interested in starting, and the second or third response was "search is your friend" I ___ing HATE that!

One quick question...when you you get these "cited reasons" from they elaborate on WHAT they deem as being mean? Are they saying that whenever they post something, they get jumped? or do they just read through posts, and decide that people in general are mean? Or are they reading through something that was moderated, and have decided that the moderator team is mean? I'd be curious to hear what they are considering mean...heck some people are just that thin skinned and might think even DandyDon is mean....

The other side of it, as an example, I belong to the Deco Stop as well. I think I have less than 50 posts because I choose to lurk there, and sort through things rather than post. I am not a technical diver, but I am working towards that goal, and choose to read that content. sort through what I can tell is good solid advice, and then go to trade shows, and ask questions, etc. Heck I learned a LOT from the seminar I attended at BTS on Saturday afternoon with Bernie Chowdhury and Hank Garvin! (that one should have been two hours long!)

Now the social forums, again should be the least moderated...a caveat should be put up that says "check your thin skin at the door" and be done with it!

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

I typed :popcorn: before and I will type :popcorn: now. Nothing has changed except how it displays.

I just liked clicking on the button.....:ijs:
That, to me, is where the moderators need to step up, correct, edit, send "pm's" and make sure that those people are corrected, and those that are learning get the correct information!
I'm not sure you understand the role of the mods here. ScubaBoard will not and should not be the ones vetting information. This site consists of user generated content. It's up to us individually to correct people who are wrong and to do it in a way that does not violate the ToS. In this regard, ScubaBoard is an interactive service and does not attempt to be a wikipedia.

One thing that annoys the crap out of me (and should be moderated) is when someone posts a question and you get the "search is your friend" message...gimme...a....break! When I had more time to spend here I would see those threads where someone would ask the most "inane/newbie-ish/we've heard it a thousand times read your dang PADI manual kind of question" and answer it. What did I have to lose? That person (with 4 posts to their name) posted a legitimate question for someone either just starting or interested in starting, and the second or third response was "search is your friend" I ___ing HATE that!
I agree. We do need more moderation from posts like that, especially in the newbie areas.

One quick question...when you you get these "cited reasons" from they elaborate on WHAT they deem as being mean?
We all have a different set of people telling us this, but by and large the clarification usually given to me involves seeing others attacked when they dare to admit making a mistake. It's common for people to question their training, their intelligence and even their mother's parental lineage rather than post on topic. People have put such a stigma on accidents and even getting bent, that quite often people put off talking about it for fear of the Scuba Inquisition. This is actually why people put off going in to the hospital when they are bent: shame at making a mistake. While we would never promote people making a mistake just to be able to post, we feel it's important to create a civil and friendly atmosphere that will encourage people to come clean as it were. It's good for them and it's great to teach others how to avoid the pain. Next time you're on a dive boat full of strangers, simply ask them about ScubaBoard. Some will love us and the others will fear us.
If any thread ever deserved it, this one does ....

I'm not sure you understand the role of the mods here. ScubaBoard will not and should not be the ones vetting information. This site consists of user generated content. It's up to us individually to correct people who are wrong and to do it in a way that does not violate the ToS. In this regard, ScubaBoard is an interactive service and does not attempt to be a wikipedia.
I think there's a place for some content moderation ... particularly where unsafe diving practices are being promoted, at least in forums where the relatively inexperienced may be influenced by them. I also think blamestorming should be moderated ... particularly in the Accidents and Incidents forum where it's supposed to be against the rules anyway.

I agree. We do need more moderation from posts like that, especially in the newbie areas.
The whole "do a search" concept rubs me raw ... people who do that should be moderated, warned, and if they continue doing it, banned from forums where newer divers are asking questions. Those three words probably do more to inhibit interaction on ScubaBoard than anything else that happens here.

We all have a different set of people telling us this, but by and large the clarification usually given to me involves seeing others attacked when they dare to admit making a mistake. It's common for people to question their training, their intelligence and even their mother's parental lineage rather than post on topic. People have put such a stigma on accidents and even getting bent, that quite often people put off talking about it for fear of the Scuba Inquisition. This is actually why people put off going in to the hospital when they are bent: shame at making a mistake. While we would never promote people making a mistake just to be able to post, we feel it's important to create a civil and friendly atmosphere that will encourage people to come clean as it were. It's good for them and it's great to teach others how to avoid the pain.
Again, I see this falling under the "blamestorming" category ... particularly in A&I, where it's supposed to be verboten. And I have, on several occasions, reported posts there that went unmoderated for long periods ... if at all ... which were clearly a violation of the rules for that forum. A recent death during a class at one of my local dive sites brought about a spate of posts calling for the head of the instructor ... this was long before there was any information about what actually happened to cause the accident. There were several wild-ass claims of standards violations that I KNEW to be incorrect simply because I'm familiar with the site ... those were allowed to remain, and remain to this day.

Several of my instructor friends have told me that they would never post here because this behavior is so prevalent.

So rather than staff wasting effort on piddly stuff like how someone might take a smiley ... try focusing on the more important stuff that really inhibits participation here.

Next time you're on a dive boat full of strangers, simply ask them about ScubaBoard. Some will love us and the others will fear us.

... and believe it or not ... most will have never heard of us. ScubaBoard is the largest scuba publication on the planet ... but compared to the overall number of divers out there, it's a teaspoon in a swimming pool ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

If any thread ever deserved it, this one does ....

View attachment 119729
... popcorn makes ya fat ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Nah, just heard on the news that the anti-oxidants in the kernel is good for you ... along with dark chocolate. More :popcorn: for everyone. It's good for you.
I'm not sure you understand the role of the mods here. ScubaBoard will not and should not be the ones vetting information. This site consists of user generated content. It's up to us individually to correct people who are wrong and to do it in a way that does not violate the ToS. In this regard, ScubaBoard is an interactive service and does not attempt to be a wikipedia.

No, I don't mean sending people emails or PM's to correct the mistakes someone made by giving bad advice, I mean correcting and warning people that GIVE the wrong information! As far as the thread, I'm saying that the mod's for the new and basic threads should be good divers, have a good knowledge base, and smart enough to either remove or correct someone that posted something wrong... Like if I posted something in the basic thread like this: "the only RIGHT way to do a CESA is with a snorkel in your mouth!" or "always drop your weights before you get on the boat when ocean diving!" I would hope to be censored, warned, and that there was something stuck into the thread by a mod that says ", but you should do this: " So when the newbie in question DOES get to that part of the thread he sees that a "greenie" has answered, and basically what that bozo Buoyant1 said requires a BS flag!

No, this is NOT a replacement for proper training, but some people have no one to go to when they ARE learning, and see something like this and hope that people are kind enough to give them a straight answer.
IMO, this is the most serious thread over an almost non-issue I've seen in years. :shakehead:

Lighten up :popcorn:
IMO, this is the most serious thread over an almost non-issue I've seen in years. :shakehead:

Lighten up :popcorn:

Too bad you cannot Nominate it :D


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