The thing is Tech 1 doesn't take into account the use of a stage bottle, so the only 21/35 you would have would be a back gas, and back gas uses the 1.2ATA/100ft END. Stage bottle marking seems to be changing based on the use of the gas, ie bottom gas or deco gas. I did Tech 1 in Aug, and how it worked for us was 32% to 100ft, 30/30 80-120ft, 21/35 100-150, 18/45 150-200, 15/55 200-250, 10/70 250-300. Now obviously we weren't doing anything deeper than 170, but thats the gas table we were given. If I'm going to be diving something deeper than 140 I will use the 18/45 so that I have the extra buffer. I know people who don't mind pushing 21/35 to 160-165, but its not for me. If I think there is a chance of breaking 150 I'll dive 18/45. The marking of stage bottles seems to be fairly recent, and would only be covered in a Tech 2 I imagine, as thats where use of a stage bottle is taught. All the Tech 2 guys I dive with learned to use 190 for 21/35 and 240 for 18/45.
When I did T1 in 2006, I believe it was 1.2 PPO2 *average* on the bottom, so 21/35 was fine for a 160 dive with some time spent at 170 and equivalent time at say 140 to "make up for it"
Maybe 1.2 is the new max, but GUE are telling me that it has *always* been 1.2 max which I do not think was the way I understood it.
In practice, (for better or worse), plenty of people are using a bottom stage for T1 dives. I mark 21/35 as 190 for those dives because if I *have* to breathe it at 190 I will, and 1.4 is not likely to tox me even though it's stretching th depth for that gas quite a bit.
Some T2 people say dont even bother marking bottom stages for open water, just deco bottles -- they should be breathable at max depth, and if you go "below" max -- you have to breathe them anyway!