The last couple of times we've been out on this boat, it's had rave reviews for a high level of comfort and a great crew.Empty V:How comfortable is this boat? Obviously I've never been on it and would like to learn more. Their website isn't as informative as it should be.
Who's been on this boat before?
How Did you like it?
Does it compare to any of the Ventura boats?
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
I wouldn't rank the boat itself as highly as the Peace, but think it beats the other Ventura boats I've been on.
I look forward to comparing it to the Raptor, which we are diving on next month. I'm expecting both to be great, but they are probably very different types of boats offering a different kind of experience.
Maybe some others will chime in with their impressions.