THANK YOU Lynne! As I was catching up on this thread, I was just thinking... I hope before this person goes and spends a ton of $$$, someone can recommend a mentor and help get him/her sorted out and get his/her questions answered.
VS - I very much relate to you because you are doing the best you can, to figure out the next right thing, without any role models in front of you. I am assuming (from reading in between the lines) that you don't mind spending the money to get your kit where it needs to be, but you don't want to make stupid decisions you will regret, which is why you are out on the internets asking all these questions.
So... I am going to post part of response that I had penned yesterday but didn't post. I didn't post it for a couple of reasons. One - I didn't to want to curb your enthusiasm, because I think that is wonderful. Two - well, let me get to two in a minute. it is really hard to get this point across and I am not sure how well I will accomplish it. Other people have said this: Tech diving costs $$. A lot of $$. You start to realize the significance of that when you judge everything in terms of how many fills of 21/35 or 18/45 any one item would cost. Making any kind of decision for critical kit like your regs, based on $50 or $100, just can't be done. Which kind of brings me to reason two for not replying - it's hard to explain to someone that they really have to accept/realize that they are going to make bad monetary decisions and it is all part of the process.
You are going to make equipment decisions that cost you money. You will end up buying the same piece of kit of kit multiple times bc you learn more and realize the first purchase wasn't the best - for you. It will happen. You WILL buy the wrong thing. You can either kick yourself for buying the new shiny toy

or for not listening to your mentor or for listening to the wrong people, or you can suck it up and take it for what it is - essentially, a learning tax that we all have paid, to one degree or another. And move forward. Perhaps realizing better who to listen to, perhaps with a stonger eye towards used gear. But accepting that just about everyone has been there.
It happened to me. HOLY HECK did it happen to me. Like you, in the very beginning I did not have a PERSON with whom I could talk - I had only Scubaboard, and my non-tech (but wanting-to-be tech) LDS. On SB, I didn't ask questions, but I read and read and read some more. I didn't make all bad decisions. I did NOT buy a huge double bladder wing that was recommended, and I didn't buy the comfort harness that I very explicitly told the dive shop I didn't want and they still tried to put me in. But I made bad tank decisions, and for me, a bad drysuit decision (Understand - that one is a personal preference issue - my suggestion to everyone is to TRY multiple types of drysuits before diving them). I also ended up with a u-shaped wing that eventually went to sell at a swap meet for pennies on the dollar because I really, really like the Halcyon Eclipse/Evolve donut wings.
Anyway, long story short, the best way to shortcut some of these mistakes is with a mentor or a VERY GOOD instructor who is not out there trying to sell you stuff. That is one (of several) thing that I really appreciated about my second Fundies instructor, Doug Mudry... Although he managed a dive shop, the only piece of kit he pointed out as potentially *really* needing any change, was my high pressure hose which was too long for me. I had a "in person" mentor after I took fundies with him, and when I had questions about changing things, I could go to him and talk about the positives and negatives of this choice or that one. Some things I bought used, some things I bought from his shop, but he counseled me regardless.
At this point, my kit is straightened out and I pretty much have everything as I want it, with backups for the critical gear. I've sold most of my mistakes at a great loss and just considered it a "learning tax" as previously mentioned. But I did it the hard way, initially, and I hope you take a look at the advice below and consider taking it. It will make your life much easier (and save you money!) in the long run.
VeganShark, do me a favor . . . contact Gombessa here on SB. (Look him up here -- he posts GREAT videos!) He does exactly what you want to do -- long recreational depth dives at the Monterey dive sites. He can give you advice, and maybe you can hook up with him to do a dive or two.
You have so many questions in this thread that I think what you really need more than anything else is a mentor.