Misfit equipment

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I really don't post much but maybe my sharing will help someone else.

Last weekend I rented a 7 mil. I usually wear a 3. I forgot to lengthen the harness on my BP/W. When I put on my kit I immediately realized it was too tight. I thought, "no big deal, it will loosen up in the water." It was so tight that I could barely reach the back of my head to put on my mask. We only did a 25 minute dive, I was uncomfortable but ok, but I strained my back pretty darn bad. I haven't been able to stand up straight for a week now and I have been in pain. No diving for me this weekend. :(

Morale of the story - Don't be lazy like me. Adjust equipment as needed.
WebMonkey (I think) posted a story a week or so back about getting in the water despite something not being quite right, and having it turn bad.

I think it's one of the hardest things, to have the discipline to say to yourself, "No, I won't "make do" on this dive." Fix the little things, so they don't contribute to the spiral into the "incident pit" if something goes wrong underwater.

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