Micro Mini Season

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Probably more excited than I ought to be, but really looking forward to tomorrow. Did some scouting today. Can't quite figure out what the crowds will be like. I guess I'll find out when I get to the inlet.
... Can't quite figure out what the crowds will be like.
The dive shops have been slammed busy today with last minute fills etc. Up in Jupiter it will be difficult because of the way the best reefs bend outward and are outside of state waters. But we have some near shore sites that might have a few bugs. I'm not expecting big numbers for myself. Make sure you have your driver's license with you since a Florida fishing license doesn't prove current residency and the LEO's are going to have a tough day.
Stopped by for a tank fill at Force-E Pompano Beach earlier today. Seems like most of the people getting ready were talking about day trips tomorrow. Not much discussion about midnight or early AM drops.

Definitely lighter traffic in the shop than just before regular mini-season. Lots of disappointment from the out of staters when they realized the restrictions.

Good hunting everyone!

Waiting.. waiting.. leaving in an hour to pick up my buddy, then off to the beach. Did some scouting this week. Divers Direct was super busy this week, and there is lots of chatter locally. I am anticipating a race to where we are going. Not one of the more popular beach diving spots which I am assuming is gonna be crazy.. That one spot, a popular area, I saw a lot of bugs...
Someone's gonna die! Watch out for your Buddy!
8am Jupiter boat ramps are 80% full with LEO's parked in lot to watch. I'm on JDC @ 9am. Stay safe today.
My one shot at lobsters was last night. Did OK. Between the two of us we brought back 9, released two shorts. the honey holes that were loaded a few days ago were empty. Only found one spot with two bugs, one of them short. All the others were singles out walking.
The spot I wanted to go, when we got there already had divers, so we went a short distance away. Did not see any LEOs or other divers besides those two gearing up.
The wind picked up down here, enough that made shore entry/exit a bit more fun. Would imagine it was bumpy on the boats.
My one shot at lobsters was last night. Did OK. Between the two of us we brought back 9, released two shorts. the honey holes that were loaded a few days ago were empty. Only found one spot with two bugs, one of them short. All the others were singles out walking.
The spot I wanted to go, when we got there already had divers, so we went a short distance away. Did not see any LEOs or other divers besides those two gearing up.
The wind picked up down here, enough that made shore entry/exit a bit more fun. Would imagine it was bumpy on the boats.
There is a great reef off 6th Street in Pompano Beach a 10 minute swim then great habitat

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