Sorry Jim, yes, a club (I hate that word), now that I read the other post guess it was a little criptic.
A few of were diving together and were discussing how hard it was to find buddys to do local dives, there had been and are some clubs around but we had not seen them around.
We were looking to get somthing going for all levels of training, do lots of diving, some social activities, diving, training, diving, stuff like that. Mostly to have a lot of fun.
So, we are going to start having some get togethers in Port Huron at the Maritime Center on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 4 - 6 PM. Starting January 7, 2007. Right now there are four of us but judging from the word of mouth response that number is going to grow pretty quick.
The really nice thing is that the group is new so we can make it what ever we want. but mainly focus on diving.
Our St. Clair river offers some unique challanges for our local folks but, it takes a while to get the experience needed for a current that is that fast. See / Eric).
I think it will be great, offer something we really don't seem to have around here.