Miami Wreck Trek 7/12

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Went Sat. 7/12 on the H2O Diver out of Sunny Isle, grabbed 2 of the 4 remaining spots for pleasure divers. 10 other divers were mixed classes doing advanced and OW checkouts.

We hooked up to the stern of the Conception, pulled our way through a moderate surface current and had a good 60 ft. vis.on the bottom. Worked our way towards the bow, found a sleeping loggerhead under a bent over plate, he was huge. From the bow, continued south to a small tug covered in sea fans and gorgonians. Went west a bit to the wreck C1 much larger tug and equally covered with soft corals and thousands of schooling fish.
Dive was around 70 ft/ 45 min. Returned to anchor line to finish an outstanding dive # 1.

Dive # 2 was in a trench made when an outfall pipe was removed. Makes a canyon about 60 ft. wide with 15-20 ft walls running east to west. The trench was loaded with fish, so thick at times you had to shoo them away from the walls to get a better look. Spotted a large green moray, small nurse shark, and black bar soldierfish, as well as tons of goatfish.

We've recently returned from a trip to the TCI, and usally drive 2 hrs. south to the Keys to dive. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the diving just 30 min. from our front door. Checked my logbook and it had been 20 yrs. since I dove off Miami, that's about to change.

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