no idea what happened. it had a little bit of water at first, and then after 10 minutes more and more, I tried to clear it but somehow I couldnt, DM said its because i was ascending without realizing and water kept coming back in prob.
My biggest fear underwater is losing my mask and having to put it back again, first time i did it in training i panicked and wanted to surface but the DM was very calm and managed to calm me down and I could do it, but still, when it gets too full, to the point it covers my eyes and nose, it's really tough for me to do. I can clear it fine with a little bit of water.
I can even manage breathing normally with a completely full mask, but, can't see anything clearly of course. This is why I didn't realize I was ascending. and it all happened so fast, when I surfaced I couldnt believe I was at the surface!
Clearly, this is something you need to practice until it is no longer an issue. I'd suggest taking your mask off and replacing it at least once on every dive until you're so not scared by it that it's boring.