Menstruation Safety

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LMAO Yes it is, guess I know where to go when I go through the "change!' :wink:

I will be right behind you. I bet the water is good for hot flashes. Were does the time go!
lmao its the men.... they make us age far too quickly!

I think I would have to agree with you there. I have only been married a couple years and I should get stock in hair dye. Gotta love em

There's nothing special you need to know. Just like the others have said, you will need to keep a closer eye on how well your protection is holding up, when you get out of the water. From my own experience (too much info for the guys I'm sure) the flow gets a lot lighter during a dive, at least a deep one. As for the blood issue, there's no evidence of a woman diver being attacked due to her period. You'll be fine!

Good luck,
Personally, I find a nice shallow dive to be a great remedy for cramps, as well.
This is probably a silly questions, but I thought I'd ask...

What are the "rules" about diving/snokerling during your period?

I have not seen this covered in the replies to this thread, and maybe this has already been discussed somewhere else, but anyway, there it goes:

I went to have a check up with a diving specialist a month ago, a DAN doctor actually, and he recommended not to dive on the second days of the period. In his words, the statistics that DAN is gathering shows that there is a significantly higher number of DCS cases among females diving on the second day of their periods
(not the first, not the third) than at any other time during their cycles. From his explanation, I understood that this could be explained by the higher dehydration the body suffers through menstruation.

Did any of you hear about this before?


LMAO Yes it is, guess I know where to go when I go through the "change!' :wink:

:11: I dunno about that. My wife has been going through "the change". Think I'd rather swim with a great white.
:11: I dunno about that. My wife has been going through "the change". Think I'd rather swim with a great white.


hmmm - bet you dont dare say that in front of her though! :wink:

never heard of the 2nd day rule. surely it depends on the woman? my 2nd day is far lighter than my first day.
I also found that if I dived for a few days before I was due I was often a day or two late.

TMI warning here :11:

Depending on how long I was out for (eg on a boat or regularly returning to shore) I used tampons. I'd just put my normal regular size in. After a couple of dives it would get a bit uncomfortable but I was still generally protected.

An alternative - if I wasnt too heavy then I know that my flow stops when I'm in the water, so what I would do, if I had regular shore stops is remove all protection just before going in to the water. Do my dive, keep my wetsuit on from the waist downwards, and then just use the shower cubicles to wash down after the dive if there was a small bit of leakage.
dudette, check the keeper thread. Godsend...honest.
I have not seen this covered in the replies to this thread, and maybe this has already been discussed somewhere else, but anyway, there it goes:

I went to have a check up with a diving specialist a month ago, a DAN doctor actually, and he recommended not to dive on the second days of the period. In his words, the statistics that DAN is gathering shows that there is a significantly higher number of DCS cases among females diving on the second day of their periods
(not the first, not the third) than at any other time during their cycles. From his explanation, I understood that this could be explained by the higher dehydration the body suffers through menstruation.

Did any of you hear about this before?



I've heard similar. Not so precisely as which day is the most dangerous but that menstruating women are more prone to DCS. However, that said, in the larger scheme of things, more idiotic divemaster trainees end up in the chamber than women with their period. (I help out in the chamber...) It does have something to do with dehydration and fluid loss, so keep hydrated and things should be fine. I've never had a problem... touch wood...

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