Memorial Weekend

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South of Houston, Tx
I wanted to start a new thread about the upcoming weekend.
I want to make sure everyone is up to date on what is going on.
So I'll start the questions. Also see Texas Mikes email from before
(see below).

Figure I would start this and we could clear everything up.

1) Does everyone want to have a pot luck or some group
Meal(s) ? Maybe a pot luck on Saturday? I am not sure how to set it up and I am open for suggestions. I just wanted to bring it up.

2) Shall we hold some kind of memorial for True Texan - Just a suggestion!!

3) Don't forget your gift for the Chinese Auction

Texas Mikes Post below.....

TSDT does Memorial Weekend 2.0
Since I have a few new topics to cover for our outting Memorial Weekend at Lake Travis, I wanted to start a new thread...

Dee and I discussed a few things on planning for the weekend and we need to share them with you. They are:

1. Safety & Preparation
2. Door Prizes
3. TSDT T-shirts
4. Food

Safety & Preparation -- I'm in the middle of the academics of my Divemaster Class, so making sure we have a fun and safe time is very much current in my mind. So I want to make sure to remind everyone that has a first aid kit to bring it (never can have too many). And if you don't have one, consider adding one to your gear bag. I'm going to be working on my safety preparedness between now and Memorial day so I will have anything we might need should it all go pants on us. The only thing I don't have is an O2 cylinder. Does anyone that is going have one?? If you do, please PM me.

Door Prizes -- Those of you that came to our Halloween gathering remember the pumpkin hunt where everyone got some cool prizes. I'd like to continue the tradition of everyone getting some neat stuff. And while I do have a few of the pumpkin prizes left over, there's not enough for everyone. So Dee suggested a Chinese Auction with scuba related items costing $5-10. What do you folks think about that?

TSDT T-Shirts -- I still have some of the originals for sale. (I'll need to check my list to see how many of what sizes I have left). I'll have them with me at the event and will consider taking pre-orders in case additional shirts are needed (aka I run out of the size you want). If you have thoughts or questions about the shirts, I'd like to hear them.

Finally, Food -- I think most of us are cool with each of us being responsible for our own vittles. However, Dee and I thought it would be nifty if we have a little bit of community cooking, especially breakfasts. The opening suggestions are basic scambled eggs/sausage/etc. for breakfast and then grilled meats/veggies/finger foods for dinner. Beast has a good sized grill that he plans on bringing, so there will be heat if you decide to burn your own dinner. We'd also like to ask that if the community cooking is desired, that we get some volunteers to help with prep/cooking/cleanup so no one or two folks are stuck "in the kitchen" all weekend. Any additional thoughts from you guys?

((and for those that are coming in from longer distances, such as out of state...don't fret, we'll take good care of you and make sure you don't go hungry. You'll probably be so full you'd rather sleep than dive! We can work out the individual details as needed))

It looks like we are going to have a really good turn out. And I'm really looking forward to meeting all the new faces and making new friends. This event is for your participation is desired and appreciated.

Let's get wet!

Originally posted by lovetodive2
I wanted to start a new thread about the upcoming weekend.
I want to make sure everyone is up to date on what is going on.
So I'll start the questions. Also see Texas Mikes email from before
(see below).

Figure I would start this and we could clear everything up.

1) Does everyone want to have a pot luck or some group
Meal(s) ? Maybe a pot luck on Saturday? I am not sure how to set it up and I am open for suggestions. I just wanted to bring it up.

2) Shall we hold some kind of memorial for True Texan - Just a suggestion!!

3) Don't forget your gift for the Chinese Auction

1) I was thinking about steak night Saturday night. Everyone can bring their own steak, spud, mushrooms, etc. Beast and a couple of the guys could cook the steaks while us girls could roast the spuds and cook the mushrooms. Maybe through some corn on the cob in a pot. By having it Sat. night, everyone will have a chance to go to the grocery store and get what they need.

Beast and I will be cooking breakfast every morning. Anyone is welcome to throw some groceries in the pot.

2) A simple prayer and dedication of the dives comes to mind.

3) This doesn't have to be a big deal. Something off the clearance table at the dive shop...coasters, koozies, last years Christmas cards, etc. A group of different sized quick links, a couple of brass or stainless double enders, that neat clip you thought you had to have but have never found a use for! Keep it simple and under $10. Drop it in a gift bag or wrap it in Sundays funnies!
Dee....regarding the "leftovers" from the Halloween dive....

Any ideas on how to distribute those fairly?
Also in addition to Quadraped (cow), I'll bring some Biped (chicken) as well.
Originally posted by TexasMike
Dee....regarding the "leftovers" from the Halloween dive....

Any ideas on how to distribute those fairly?

Probably just drawing names would be the fairest.
Here's the forecast for Austin over Memorial weekend. Everyone say a prayer that it doesn't rain.

May 24 Isolated T-Storms 88°F 69°F
UV Index: 9 High

May 25 Isolated T-Storms 88°F 71°F
UV Index: 9 High

May 26 Scattered T-Storms 90°F 72°F
UV Index: 10 Very High

May 27 Partly Cloudy 91°F 72°F
I don`t know who all`s gona be there Firday eve. but...Look ...I have 9 doz. gulf shrimp ( right off the boat ) and a good size packet of fresh red fish that I`m gona fry up for vittles that evening.If anyone eles wants to throw in, the pan will be hot.I don`t think Odin and myself could eat that amount.I`ve got a tasty breading recipe!
mmmm A few frys would be in order too!

Dear Lord....I pray that you grant us a rain free weekend.
I have a definite 2 and maybe 3 for Friday night. If anyone gets sick of camping they can stay at my house which is about 20-30 minutes away from the Dam (14 Miles)
Originally posted by achen
I have a definite 2 and maybe 3 for Friday night. If anyone gets sick of camping they can stay at my house which is about 20-30 minutes away from the Dam (14 Miles)

Man....that campsite is gonna be crowded!

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