Glad you had a good dive there! We weren't sure if it was going to be any good when we went this morning, but just decided to go. We also had a great dive there today with over 20 feet of vis. I keep intending to put up some dive reports for this weekend, but I only seem to have time to get home, eat something, clean up for the next day and go diving again. At the last minute today, I heard that Leo Carrillo was reporting 30 feet of vis, so tomorrow morning I'm heading up there to see for myself.Stryker:Jim, I think you are making quite a mistake not going to marineland... My dive yesterday had 20-35 feet of visibility.... no algae/red tide at all... Its about the closest thing ive seen to Casino point....

Even though my legs were too tired from all the surface swims this weekend to do a second dive today, I think that I'll be recovered enough to be able to do a couple of easy dives tomorrow. We'll see how I feel after the first dive. :11:
I'm going with Shah from Hollywood Divers and a couple of people from their dive club. If anyone wants to join us, we're going to be there at 8am parked on PCH by the lifeguard tower on the hill. I think it's tower 2, but I could be wrong. It's the tower above the creek.
We'll be there for sure, so I hope to see anyone who might have another day off.