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Hi Everyone!

Started diving: 2008
Years tec diving: It all started with cavern in 2009, which got us to do Adv Nitrox/Deco Procedures in 2010, and then Technical Cave in 2011
No of deco dives: Aren't they all? :) 40-50 dives with planned deco
Trimix? Soon
Rebreathers? No
Caves? ... more like.. cavvvveezzzzzzz!!!!!!...... about 40 cave dives done now, can't wait to go back.

I'm just a beginner at this but so far it's been very enjoyable, looking forward to honing my skills and doing some nice dives.
Hi Everyone,

My Name is: Robin Jacoway
Started Diving: 1980
Teaching: 1998
Tech Diving: 1995
Rebreathers: 1997

I teach all levels of OC, but mostly teach CCR through Adv. Mixed Gas. I am an instructor for TDI/SDI, ANDI, IANTD.
I live in sunny Southern California and explore the west coast primarily, but have also done a significant amount of diving on the East Coast and Gulf Coast.

Rebreathers I can teach: rEvo, KISS, Inspiration, Sentinel, Mk-15, Mk-15.5, Dolphin, Gem

I dive between 150-200 dives per year.

The name of my training company is Ocean Research Group, Inc. OceanResearchGroup, Inc. - Home

Active captain for the Marissa Diving Charters dive boat in San Diego and second captain for the Sand Dollar out of San Pedro. I hold and 100 ton Master CG lic.

I'm a beginner at Scubaboard.

Looking forward to getting to know more of you.


My name is ajduplessis. I started diving with the idea of only doing rec dives on holidays and limit my diving/risk to 18m (60ft). That was a long time ago :D

Tec Certs: IANTD Trimix & Advanced Nitrox (deco). I have started tec cave and will finish end next week.
Years tec diving: 3
No of deco dives: 280 and counting
Instructor? No, I don't believe I have the temperament and love my diving to much to "waste" it on training.
Rebreathers? No, I believe they add additional risk. Might be because of a lack of knowledge and experience on the topic.
Hi everyone!
Name: Chris
Yrs Tech Diving: 2
No of deco dives: 20
Trimix: 2013
Rebreather: No
Caves: Yes, Apprentice 2012

Comments: I love diving NY wrecks and Fl caves.
Hi from Portugal

Name: Carlos Carvalho
I started doing technical diving in 2002 (TDI deco procedures and advance nitrox)
TDI certified advance trimix since 2009
TDI MEG eCCR air diluent diver since 2011

Presently I’m gaining experience to take the mod 3 this summer. I’m also a PADI Dive Master, with am inactive status.

Number of deco dives, 500++
Years tech diving: Just started
Years TMx diving: Just started, lovin it!
No of deco dives: 20
No of TMx dives: 10
Deepest depth so far: 300ft
Rebreathers: SCR: Dolphin/Atlantis, CCR: Poseidon MK VI
Sidemount: Yes
Caves: Maybe one day when these narrow things get a bit wider ;-)

What else is there to say. I'm pretty new to this stuff and just finished my training during a 10 weeks stay in Utila, Honduras with the Utila Dive Centre... All about my experiences I had during the course is written down in the article about it on my page.

Oh and by the way... since i'm from freezin' Switzerland and I've never been diving there yet this may reinforce how much I'm into the whole tech-stuff: I'm seriously considering the drysuit- and altitude-spec just to get deep back home...
Hello to All,

Years Tech Diving ~5
# of Tech Dives 100 +
Instructor No
Trimix Yes
Rebreathers no not yet
Caves not yet

Right now I am in Minnesota so Wreck diving on the Great Lakes is my passion. I would love to get into caves and rebreathers in the near future.

Hello real name is Alexi
Years of Tec diving 2
Technical EANx 2010 Naui Decompression Techniques 2010
# of deco dives 30
Tec Instructor no
Trimix in the next few months
Caves Yes TDI Intro 2011
Rebreather one day when I can put more pennies together

I started diving while on Active Duty for the US Army in Italy. I have dove in the beautiful waters of the Caribbean, Red Sea, Florida Keys, Italy, Croatia, Caves in Mexico and the Long Island Sound. I have been a NAUI Instructor for the past 6 years and recently obtained my Instructor Trainer designation. I also hold Technical diver certifications; Technical EANx, Decompression Techniques and Cave 1. I am currently a New York State EMT and Certified Hyperbaric Technologist working on a degree in Human Biology in upstate New York.
Real name: Dana
Years tec diving: A little more than three years with doubles although the art and science of it was pretty weak at first.
# of deco dives: somewhere 150-200; I don’t log dives at this point. About half to two thirds of those are accelerated decompression; the early ones were long and slow on bottom gas.
Tec instructor? No
Trimix? Yes
Rebreathers? Before finding a way to reasonably handle double 120’s and up to three stage bottles on the deck of pitching boats (I really prefer two, I almost succumbed to rebreathers (including putting some money into it) but backed out when I studied the issue and realized how easy it is to die; even momentary hypoxia will kill without ever feeling the slightest sensation of what was coming. Perhaps sometime I will put up an experience I had with helium…
Caves? I tried cave but I just don’t really like all the scraping between narrow slots, pulling on rock against current for an eternity, even if you do get a magic carpet ride on the way back. I like being inside gnarly deep wrecks – for part of the dive – and then out in the open ocean for the rest of it.
Age: 59
Profession: Physician
Location: Naples, Florida (been her a bit less than two years so far.)
I like pretty much every part of ocean tec diving. I love hot drops (with a good captain), wreck penetration, and shooting bags from way deep. I love long (up to an hour or so) of drift deco in the middle of a blue world (as long as it is a reasonably warm blue world).
I’ve also gotten quite wrapped up in countless hours of study of bubble mechanics, gas diffusion and DCS, over the past year or more. It’s more for the sake of interest than it really is all that necessary for tec diving. But it’s kind of cool to know what is supposed to be going on in the body as it is happening.

Years tec diving:
No of deco dives: ~10
Tec instructor? Not even in bad dreams
Trimix? No - should have by year end
Rebreathers? No - demo'd but a couple years out on purchase
Caves and overhead? Caverns and cenotes, Ice, and certain wrecks.
Other comments : Cold dark and deep are where the wrecks under lk michigan are hiding and where there are wrecks, gotta have divers.

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