To my fellow divers. I thought long & hard about bumping this up on the board, but for safety reasons I thought it should be brought to everyone's attention. Especially new divers just setting out.
But before I go any further, I want to make it perfectly clear that I DID NOT bump this thread up to bash any of the divers who gave such wonderful advice. Were all here to help each other, right?
I also want to make it clear that it was NOT bumped up to bash up the manufacturer of the reg. That was why I was particularly vague on the name & manufacture of the reg to begin with when I couldn't figure out why I was going thru so much air when I had never done so before.
Thus the main purpose for me bumping up this thread is to try & return the favor by reinerating what we all learned in OW. Trust your instincts!!!!! I absolutely knew w/o a doubt there was something wrong with the reg. I talked to the divers on the boat after the dive & they all said naaahhhhh. Thus the 1st thread of doubt set in. But when I got back I put in a call to the manufacturer & he verified that yes, if the reg was tuned to high that would cause me to go through to much air. So off it went to their factory for them to detune. I checked it once it was returned to me & it breathed on the surface just fine. You guys know the rest of the story w/me going to the lake & STILL going thru way too much air & it still making a god awful honking noise. But doubt had taken hold of me (even though still in the make of my mind) I'm almost positive it's the regulator, but just to be sure I ask the question of this thread on the board. Everyone's advice sounded right on, so by then I truly believed I was the problem.
Folks, please, please, please. Listen to that little nagging voice in the back of your head, even if everyone else is telling you otherwise. It may save your life someday. And I thank god that I did call the manufacturer when I returned from vacation. Apparently, I am one of the reports that exhibited uncontrolled flow of air to the 2nd stage (forcing air down my throat).
Fellow divers, if you feel something is wrong. Ask questions, call the manufacture & if it still doesn't feel right, keep pressing. I didn't continue pressing cuz I was finally convinced it was me rather than the 1st stage that was recalled. It's a scary thought returning to the depths of the ocean with a regulator not working properly.
Fellow Divers, do as your taught in OW..........Trust your instincts!!!!!!!!!