Hi, artsprite, and thanks for the kind words. I am 47 and I certified the first time in 1990. I think that if I had remembered it clearly I would have thought longer about going through it again. Last Sunday we did our lake snorkel dive at a local lake named Saguaro Lake, but more commonly known as "Lake Foul" (a play on the name of another Arizona lake named Lake Powell which in fact is a magnificently beautiful and breathtaking lake). Anyway, Lake Foul is just nasty... lots of gang types hang out there..... smells nasty, full of nasty clingy grass near the surface..... everyone makes nervous jokes about the "fudge snakes" which are reputed to be seen floating in the water from time to time. So anyway, if I had remembered the lake dive clearly, I might have opted for a quick refresher course instead of accompanying my wife through the entire process. However, the worst is over now and I have two more classes and two more pools coming up next Saturday and Sunday, and a Nitrox class tomorrow, and I am ready for my open water cert dives which should be big fun and should take place off California at the Catalinas next month. Before then I hope to make it to one of the cleaner lakes in Arizona a few times to exercise these old out of shape legs in my fins before I face El Pacifco again. One thing Lake Foul did was to make me wish my legs were in better condition. But all in all this is really turning out to be fun and exciting, and this time I am in a position to actually afford some gear! So, life is good!
Best of Luck to you!