First and foremost, Sorry we're gonna miss you AGAIN! SharkyThat's 2 years in a row... starting to get a complex
Gordon, hope to see you again! Token, did you mean May 15-29?
Peeps................................. Dates................ Staying............... Dive OP
Loree and Greg .....................4/27-5/15 ........ Casa Mexicana........ Liquid Blue Divers
Larry (diver) and Mechelle ......4/16 - 5/7.... .... Residencias Reef .... DWM
mstevens & family ................ 13-21 May ........Casa Suzana......... (hope you get to dive!!)
ggun and caravan.............. May-ish..............Blue Angel..............Blue Angel
Mr. & Mrs. Sharky..................Late May-ish.......Blue Angel..............Blue Angel
Yeah, sorry we're going to miss you guys again, another family event setting our vacation schedule this year. One of my nephews is graduating in mid-May, so we have to come in a little later than usual.
p.s. It's actually officially, ggunn and "the thundering herd"