Suggestion Matt forum?

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Scuba Instructor
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North Florida - Marianna area
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It's been mentioned a few times in some threads that those same threads have been moved from their original posting location to other threads that may not be so visible. Matt seems to have a lot of support here. Yes, this board is for all divers equally. But I think Matt's efforts deserve some special attention. We all take for granted the fact that we can dive with little difficulty. We have all made dozens, hundreds, even thousands of dives. Matt is just trying to make his first OW dive. I think that deserves everyone's support. But everyone needs to know about him and his dream first. How about we make it easier for people to learn about this dream and make their own decision? I attached a poll to this thread so others can vote on what they think. I've always gotten the feeling that this board is a democratic one. The members are the community and should, to a certain extent, have some say in what goes on here. So how about a Matt forum where all threads concerning Matt's dream can be kept? SB members, please take the time to vote on this and let the staff know what you want.
Thank you for your suggestion Rob, however, at this time we feel that the Good Causes and the Divers with Disabilities forums encompass the various topics posted by Matt and other divers with unique and serious challenges like his as he is certainly not alone. While we do listen to member suggestions this board is not about one member or one particular issue but rather about the diving community as a whole -- it sets an unfair precedent to create a forum for one member but not for others down the road which is why we have tried to direct this very serious issue into its own forum to give all divers or potential divers facing physical, mental or other types of hardships the opportunity to build support for their own causes. Should a group, such as the divers with disabilities association, wish to have a specific forum on our site to discuss the issues that concern them and to raise awareness we would certainly entertain the idea. I certainly welcome any ideas or suggestions but I want to make it clear that while I find Matt's experience to be an inspiration and something I hope he is able to continue pursuing with the help from the dive community, there are many other individuals with serious challenges and I simply can not see us giving some people their own place while denying it from others. If anyone has an idea as to how to improve upon our existing disabilities or good causes forum I would certainly invite them to make that suggestion here or in private. Thank you.
i have been working with Matt for the past year or so (is that about right, Matt?).

initially, we had no place for Matt to ask for support, and we wanted to keep
(as we still do) promotional threads away from the general forums. we feel that
keeping unsolicited solicitations (pardon the near-redundancy) away from
our general forums is a good thing.

thus, we created the Good Causes forum as well as the Divers with Dissability
forum. Matt is 99% responsible for these two forums. that way, we felt he
(and others like him) could post about their efforts and make solicitations
but still keep the money-raising separated from the general forums.

we try to treat everyone equally, and we simply can't allot a forum to every
deserving cause out there.

that said, Matt, buddy, you know how much i admire your efforts, and i've
always wished you nothing but the best in your continued struggles, which
make me look soft as a donut by comparison :wink:
Okay guys. I didn't realize those 2 forums were created in part because of Matt. It's great that those forums have been created. I honestly don't know how to improve them. I think an issue has been that they're located at the end of the forum listings, but, hey, something has to be down there. I've PM'ed a reply to NetDoc with another suggestion, and I'll just leave it there until he gets back to me. Thanks for taking the time to respond to this.
I certainly agree with Rob. It would be great if we could come up with something to help increase the awareness of Matt's project. I'm not sure that a separate forum would do that, but there must be something that we can do. So far, the only thing that I have come up with, is taking advantage of the sig line deal.

I understand SB's desire to be fair to all but we really haven't had too many Matts. I don't see the harm in...

... creating a special avatar that supporters can add to their profile or sig line that shows that they have donated to his cause.

... adding the "Dive a Dream" link to the front page of the forums.

Also, I believe that some threads should be allowed to remain in the basic forum where they will get more attention. I understand the need to keep promotional threads segregated, but in all honesty, it appears to me, that this has deteriorated to a knee-jerk, move any thread that has Matt's name in it!

For instance, I recently posted a thread about whether or not a guy with Matt's difficulties should even try to do something like diving. Granted, it was an underhanded attempt to draw attention to Matt's cause given his recent difficulties. But, nevertheless, it was a fair topic for the Basic Forum.

The original post was purposefully phrased to open the discussion about a broader topic. It was not phrased to applaud Matt's efforts, ie. a "KUDOs Forum"... nor was it a topic about one guy's heroic efforts and his ongoing need for support, ie. "Good Causes, Petitions & Solicitations Forum". I suppose the "Divers with Disabilities Forum" MIGHT have been an appropriate place but the topic wasn't for divers with disabilities but rather the more general community. It was, in fact, a topic quite appropriate for the Basic Forum.

OTOH, these threads were allowed to remain inappropriately in the Basic Forum...

Jessica Alba does deco diving??
Diver Under 18
Aussie Divers Find Bomber

... and these are just a few examples.

My point is, not all threads should be pulled from the Basic Forum just because they happen to mention Matt. If it is a fair topic, then it should be allowed to stay. If it helps bring attention to Matt's cause, then so much the better.

After all, Jessica Alba really doesn't need our support... although I wouldn't mind giving her mine! :D
One of the best ways we can help Matt out now is to go to his website and purchase a ticket to his fundraiser for only $25. The event has John Chatterton as a guest speaker and Susan Long from DUI making an appearance. Additionally, Richie Kohler and Melanie Paul are trying to work his fundraiser into their schedules. The fundraiser is scheduled for Feb 18th at the aquarium in the Mall of America in Minnesota. He needs to sell 50 tickets by the 10th to have the event take place. Even if you can't attend the fundraiser, please purchase a ticket anyway. The entire amount of the price of unused tickets will go to Matt. Used tickets will help cover expenses at the mall. I urge all of you who are supporters of Matt to please purchase a ticket and give him the opportunity to dive.
2Tours N Iraq`:
One of the best ways we can help Matt out now is to go to his website and purchase a ticket to his fundraiser for only $25. The event has John Chatterton as a guest speaker and Susan Long from DUI making an appearance. Additionally, Richie Kohler and Melanie Paul are trying to work his fundraiser into their schedules. The fundraiser is scheduled for Feb 18th at the aquarium in the Mall of America in Minnesota. He needs to sell 50 tickets by the 10th to have the event take place. Even if you can't attend the fundraiser, please purchase a ticket anyway. The entire amount of the price of unused tickets will go to Matt. Used tickets will help cover expenses at the mall. I urge all of you who are supporters of Matt to please purchase a ticket and give him the opportunity to dive.

Most definitely! We can talk about helping all we want, but Matt needs the $$$.
2Tours N Iraq`:
One of the best ways we can help Matt out now is to go to his website and purchase a ticket to his fundraiser for only $25. The event has John Chatterton as a guest speaker and Susan Long from DUI making an appearance. Additionally, Richie Kohler and Melanie Paul are trying to work his fundraiser into their schedules. The fundraiser is scheduled for Feb 18th at the aquarium in the Mall of America in Minnesota. He needs to sell 50 tickets by the 10th to have the event take place. Even if you can't attend the fundraiser, please purchase a ticket anyway. The entire amount of the price of unused tickets will go to Matt. Used tickets will help cover expenses at the mall. I urge all of you who are supporters of Matt to please purchase a ticket and give him the opportunity to dive.

And if all of that wasn't enough, it is a great opportunity to meet some other divers off the board, as there are several of us planning on making the trip. Hope to see all of you there.

Stephen Ash:
My point is, not all threads should be pulled from the Basic Forum just because they happen to mention Matt.

Stephen, we tried this, but Matt was posting multiple threads quite
frequently on the subject.

believe me, we have thought about this long and hard. we all support Matt.
we want what's best for him, but we also have to think of the other members.

we have been working with him for a long, long time, and we welcome him
here as a valuable member. i can sefely say that NO OTHER SB MEMBER
has ever gotten the consideration and leeway that Matt has. that is
because we understand his unique situation.

btw, nothing is preventing you from supporting him in your sigs :wink:
Thanks Andy,

I don't mean to be a pest. It is quite possible that I am not seeing the big picture and that may be a large part of the misunderstanding... if that's what this is. I know you guys are a good bunch of folks with big hearts. I know the owner of the board probably has the biggest heart of all and has shown time and again that he's not afraid to get involved in things. (Anyone who is willing to put up with a bunch of Boy Scouts is OK in my book.) Please don't think that I don't know that.

I don't mean to step on anyone's toes or to put any of you in an awkward position. I just hope that we do the best we can for Matt. What a wonderfull opportunity we have to help someone in need. I'm sure that we all agree on that.

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