Well, June Gloom continues. Why not jump into the water so you don't have to see the sky.
My buddy and I did Marine Room this past Sunday, and got there at the beginning of the rising tide. The rocks to the South of the pedestrian access were all exposed, so we went for a little poke around on land:
little crabs!
this guy followed us around a while
The bottom sand right where the stairs end was completely washed out, leaving a huge pit with a big rock, and the runoff guide exposed as ankle-breakers. We decided if we could handle it, and on an entry and exit strategy before gearing up. I should remember to take a pic next time I see it so y'alls can see. Anyway, on to the watery part of the trip. The dive was 1:10, temp was an unbelievable 69ºF, max depth was 13fsw and average was 6fsw.
The shallows 3fsw and less were clear. Any deeper and it was sandy, go figure.
A sea lion swam right past us as we were headed in
sometimes there's shreddy kelp up top
Oh, I wanted a shot with just a Garibaldi?
nope, I get the evil eye for that
Lunch and dinner in the same cave!
somehow they always want to feel the camera
If my face is hidden, you can't see me
so if my face is showing, look at me!
A lobster with a very nice rock garden
Now, usually Garibaldi are camera-shy. This one just hung out and posed for pictures. I've found the movie-star Garibaldi!
Is it still full? Is it empty? I've never seen a horn shark egg before
The bass... just everywhere
So, on the way out, ALL the stingrays on entry. I swear there was not a single patch of sand without a stingray. On the way back in, I hoped to get some good pics-
oops, too close on that last one
so very buried
And I heard from my buddy he saw a leopard shark last week while snorkeling the site, so maybe they'll start coming back soon!
My buddy and I did Marine Room this past Sunday, and got there at the beginning of the rising tide. The rocks to the South of the pedestrian access were all exposed, so we went for a little poke around on land:
little crabs!
this guy followed us around a while
The bottom sand right where the stairs end was completely washed out, leaving a huge pit with a big rock, and the runoff guide exposed as ankle-breakers. We decided if we could handle it, and on an entry and exit strategy before gearing up. I should remember to take a pic next time I see it so y'alls can see. Anyway, on to the watery part of the trip. The dive was 1:10, temp was an unbelievable 69ºF, max depth was 13fsw and average was 6fsw.
The shallows 3fsw and less were clear. Any deeper and it was sandy, go figure.
A sea lion swam right past us as we were headed in
sometimes there's shreddy kelp up top
Oh, I wanted a shot with just a Garibaldi?
nope, I get the evil eye for that
Lunch and dinner in the same cave!
somehow they always want to feel the camera
If my face is hidden, you can't see me
so if my face is showing, look at me!
A lobster with a very nice rock garden
Now, usually Garibaldi are camera-shy. This one just hung out and posed for pictures. I've found the movie-star Garibaldi!
Is it still full? Is it empty? I've never seen a horn shark egg before
The bass... just everywhere
So, on the way out, ALL the stingrays on entry. I swear there was not a single patch of sand without a stingray. On the way back in, I hoped to get some good pics-
oops, too close on that last one
so very buried
And I heard from my buddy he saw a leopard shark last week while snorkeling the site, so maybe they'll start coming back soon!