Marijuana - Consequences from Use and Diving

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To me the real underlying issue is the fact that we're willing to dive with total strangers without any sort of knowledge of their abilities, thier level of common sense, and their saftey record.

yes..they could be on anti-depressants...all sorts of things.

Personally, I don't smoke pot. To be honest, I have been around a lot of divers who did, mostly in the West Indies. I never saw anything bad happen, which is surprising.
Maybe they are so relaxed they don't panic. Maybe they are more "easily amused" and don't do super challenging dives? I have no idea...but they seem to do fine. I'm not condoning it, I just don't worry about it too much.

I'll be the first to say people that smoke weed over a long time seem less motivated and seem to get dumber and dumber. But I have never witnessed them particularly accident-prone.

Does anybody worry about the beetle nut? Certain places, everybody goes around high. I actually sort of assume it in some places. And I make it a point to talk to the captain and size him up, by saying "hey...this is my sausage, make sure and pick me up, okay?" lol...really.
I think I would be looking for a new buddy.

I am also thinking if the Captain or DM were aware of this it might be treated like alcohol and they are done diving (however I don't know this for a fact, just my thoughts).

Couldn'ta said it better. D-o-n-e diving that day. Another in a long list of flaws in the random buddy system.
well, I tried to smoke and then dive, but lighters dont work 60 ft down. I even tried to snort coke, but the seawater in the nose doesn't work for me.

All nonsense aside, not good to mix anything that "could" have adverse effects with diving.
If you want to smoke pot, go ahead. I drink alcohol and Im fully aware that it is more damaging to my body than your pot is. However, I do NOT dive WHILE drinking, and i expect the same from the ones I dive with.
When diving you should not be intoxicated and thats it. Youll get intoxicated enough when you start getting narced anyways.

Btw, as to people "getting dumber" by smoking cannabis/marijuana (using THC)..
"It temporarilly slows your learning ability".. But what is "temporarilly"?
And really, people do get significantly dumber if they drink a case or two of beer every day as well..
Wow. Given my highschool experiences, I think I can safely stay that smoking pot and diving is like weightlifting while ice skating. No chance I'll be boarding that party bus.

besides, how do you eat while know, when the munchies hit???:huh:

JUST A JOKE!!! I resemble a responsible adult

NEVER dive with that buddy!!! :shakehead
besides, how do you eat while know, when the munchies hit???:huh:

JUST A JOKE!!! I resemble a responsible adult

NEVER dive with that buddy!!! :shakehead
Eating while diving works fine.. as long as you make sure you have swallowed EVERYTHING that you put in your mouth before putting that regulator back into your mout and breathe from it that is..

Yay for banana-breaks!
If you want to get stoned, go out to burningman in the nevada desert and get as high as you want to off of every possible substance you can think of and run around naked in the desert far away from any large bodies of water...

Under the water, it is going to be a whole lot safer to stay sober. In fact, I typically use helium to make sure that I'm nearly as sober underwater as I am on the surface before the dive.

Doing marijuana and then diving to 100 fsw on air/nitrox is going to be like getting stoned and then following it up with whippets... only now you're under 10 stories of water... I'm sure it probably does make it all more amusing when everything is going okay on the dive, but its not going to help your emergency reactions and ability to communicate when something goes wrong...

Imagine being stoned and narc'd at 100 fsw on a wall dive and pulling the elbow off your LP inflator hose and having your BC start to deflate, or any other emergency you care to think of...
This is one of those threads where I find the drama more interesting than the subject. And it seems to me that most people are missing the real point. It's not so much about getting high as it is about the flawed buddy system. OK, it is a little about getting high because the OP asked about how impaired someone gets, and is it bad enough to worry about.

But think about it. He didn't know she was a smokitadopita until she told him. He couldn't tell by her actions. Then she admits getting high and all of a sudden he starts worrying. Well, that's too late! It doesn't matter if they're high, drunk, on meds, or just plain stupid, if you are depending on somebody you don't know to be your backup in a life-threatening situation, well, is that really the best choice?

Rick brought up stoners trusting criminal dope dealers not to poison them. But I don't think most people realize how often we all do that kind of thing. Do you know everything about the food you eat? Do you know everything you ought to know about the compressor that compressed the air in your cylinder? We all walk around in this warm, fuzzy cloud of trust, which is usually OK. I mean, I'd rather live on a positive vibe than a negative, paranoid one. But I also make an effort to check things out.

"I've read the label on this can of beans, so now I know absolutely, without a doubt, every last detail about what's on that label."

The OP asked if getting high impairs you enough that he should worry about it, and should he start asking people if they toke. I'd say, first, you should assess your reliance on the buddy system. Getting high is just one of many things that can make someone a bad buddy. Are you going to ask them all that? How long would that take? Second, if you cannot tell if someone is high, I mean, what do you think is going to happen? Everything is so normal you can't even tell they're high and then all of a sudden they start wigging out? Well, I guess for someone with no experience, and no idea what it's like to be stoned, that's not so unreasonable a question. But my answer is I don't think being a little high is any more of an impairment than a lot of other things people do before a dive. That's not an endorsement, just an answer to the OP's question about how much he should worry about it.

I'm still a relatively new diver, but one of my goals is to increase my experience, skills, training, fitness, and gear so that I am as prepared as anybody can be to go diving solo. Not that I would, but the point is that the only way the buddy system works is if the buddies are a true team, and for most of us that never happens.
good post.

You seem to see the big picture.

It's fair to say buddy divers will be very upset and solo divers will be only mildly upset.
I think that your post Sambolino, makes perfect sense ..

.. you do not know if your new buddy, is your buddy .. best to dive like a boyscout and be prepared

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