So if it is indeed the diaphragm clamp that sits under that plastic trim dome, then inadequate torque on the diaphragm would indeed cause a rush of air.
An annual service will take care of it, assuming no parts flaws from the factory. But don't let the shop just "tighten down on the diaphragm." Make sure you get a new one.
Sad to say, this stuff happens.
Find a Mares shop, not just a shop.
My multi-thousand $ rebreather arrived with a leaking loop valve from excess lubricant holding a mushroom valve open, AND a counterlung leak because the factory insists on shipping from Denmark fully assembled. The lung got pinched in all the jostling during transport.
But both were quick fixes for a shop that knows its stuff.
Sadly that's not often the case these days. Its almost less expensive to buy a complete new set from Deep6 than to have a major overhaul service and a few new parts.
I appreciate the advice. Take care