Mares Nemo Excel vs Matrix

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Reaction score
New York
# of dives
100 - 199
Hey All - I unfortunately lost my Nemo Excel about a year and a half ago, or it was stolen, or it is hiding in my friend's boat somewhere. I really liked it and am now looking at the Matrix.

One thing that I loved about the Excel was the free dive mode for when I was snorkeling so I would know how long I was under and max depth. Does anyone know if the Matrix has a similar function?

I also have found a retailer that still has both watches in stock so I can still buy the Excel for a discount over the Matrix but the Matrix does look really cool.

If it has the free dive mode or something like it then I think I will buy the Matrix. Are there any features that the Matrix is lacking that the Excel had?

Thanks for the input.

I am rephrasing my question. When snorkeling I tend to dive down and explore for up to a minute or so. The excel would tell me how many seconds I was under water and the max depth reached in my snorkel excursion in the free dive setting. Does the matrix have this function or something similar?
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Hi Scubanski,
You ask a good question. The Matrix does not have a free diving function to it as the nemo excel did. The Matrix does offer more and higher tech options for scuba diving, such as digital compass rose, full dot matrix display, rechargeable batteries, etc... So I guess it's really going to come down to how much you enjoyed the tracking of bottom time and depth at the smaller increment / intervals. I feel your pain, as I'm a freediver as well, and now I carry to watches. Nemo Apneist and Matrix.

Thanks for the info Zak. I'm a little disappointed that I may need two watches because I really like that free dive function. Do you know if the puck pro has the free dive setting? I'm heading to Roatan next week and really would like to have a computer for the trip. I guess I can always go to your stores there but would rather know the info now. thanks, Tom

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