Mares/Dacor/Beuchat/Oceanic/Scubapro... the list goes on....

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Officially London
Have spent the whole day in dive shops innudated with equipment package deals and am now a little fried in the head so i'm desperately in need of some unbiased advice.

Am trying to decide on a good and decent set-up without splashing out too much. Am tired of using ****ty rental gear that's falling to pieces and am kicking myself that I didn't didn't get round to doing this sooner.

The cheapest deal I've found so far is an Oceanic deal but it strikes me that it's cheap for a reason... is there anyone out there who begs to differ? Similar price wise are the Beuchat combi (Sport BCD, VS 3 Reg) and the Dacor package (Condor BCD, Eagle Reg). I found the purge buttona little small with the Dacor but that might just be me being unused to it.

There isn't much difference in price either between the Mares (r2 reg, Origin BCd) and Scubapro package (MK2 reg, Glide 500 BCD) I've found. Dude in the Scubapro shop was insistent that it was the best as it's the favourite amongst dive schools for it's durability... I've used Scubapro stuff on my course and wasn't too impressed... probably because the equipment was pretty knackered after extensive use.

Am thoroughly confused now and would love to hear your experience with the various bits of gear I've mentioned. Is there anything that I should stay well clear of?

ting (new, novice diver)
Oceanic isn't bad gear. A DB of mine is geared from head to toe with Oceanic.
You will proabably find that most on here will say that Scubapro is a good product and go with it.

I have rented Dacor regs and I am not impressed.

Words of it, dive it, buy it. Rent the gear and see if that is what you want before buying. I know someplaces don't do that.
Hmmm, when i first started diving over 12 yrs. ago my hubby and I purchased all Dacor products..well, they aren't that great. now we have switched all our stuff. My hubby swears by OMS and for regs he use's Poseidon which is really good, used by the Navy. I used for regs. Oceanic and the rest is ScubaPro. i really like all my gear now and so does hubby. by that is MHO.
I have all Mares gear and love it. Hopefully this won't start the great support your LDS debate but.... I would check pricing with I saved $1,000 on two setups (Proton Metal/Proton Octo/Aeris AI Computer and Proton/Proton Octo/analog gauges). All with complete manufacturers warranties. $1,000 goes a long way.
Before you buy any equipment please read the thread "dumped on by diving companies again" ....... it deals with Dacor/Mares not supporting their warranties.
I have been happy with Scubapro for the past 15 years. Hawaii and PNW. "Normal" diving, air, 0 to 130 feet, boat and shore, wet and dry (once dry then wet).
If u buy of the net make shure theres a dive shop near your that services the gear...
i know were i am its almost imposible to get Beuchat serviced...

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