Well done
Lovely job of valve manipulation, James! What undergarment are you using under that suit -- looks like you have quite a bit of mobility there.
David Rhea would eviscerate you for not keeping eye contact with your teammate through the drill. You are not to drop your head at all, not even long enough to put your fist behind it to push your hand back to the isolator knob. Anything else is unacceptable.
Agreed, well done!
Good, but keeping eye contact with camera man would make betterIf you take a closer look to video, you'll notice a little variance of depth. Besides breathing pattern, it's also a consequence of head-down posture.

I've been wearing a 200gram thinsulate and it's been working out pretty good. I have an undergarment that requires more loft, but I haven't used it with this suit yet.
I definitely need to work on the eye contact.