Manasquan Railroad bridge on Sat Afternoon - 7/19 2pm or there abouts

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Basking Ridge Diver

Reaction score
New Jersey
# of dives
200 - 499
Anyone interested - thinking of hitting the railroad bridge around 2pm on Saturday.
Friendly dive - bringing my son - open invitation to meet or meet and dive....
High tide is set for 2:31pm
Turns out the dive itself was pretty poor - worst vis of the year at this site - 2 foot vis and that was generous. It was a cluster F from the word go. Gopro flooded - not enough weight - I made a last minute change in weights for my son and it was a poor choice - lesson learned - never had to get out of the water to add weights ever - but today was a first. Queen Mary was making another boat charter for fishing and we were off their bow - we moved but it was a funny not so funny experience.

Although it was a mess - ultimately we met a really nice gentleman named Freddy who I helped zip in and out of his dry suit - we ended up striking a conversation about hard hat diving and turns out he has worked with John Chatterdon - ok - so this was a crappy dive but really cool how things work out. Sure not a good dive but to talk with someone about diving even after a crummy dive can turn out - Really Cool... The best part of diving to me is not knowing what you will find - Shadow Divers was a great book and it some how came back alive today on this dive...
NEDEG! Now that is one wild bunch...

Here are two pics of the kid diving with them:



-We need to meet up at the RR Bridge sometime soon. PM me if interested.

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