Male or Female Dive Buddies?

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I also do not care if I have a male or female dive buddy, have had both usually male as there are fewer female divers with the groups I dive with. All I really care about is that they are a safe amd competent diver and that I know where I can find them during the dive and that is close by and keeping an eye out for me as I am keeping an eye out for them. I have had a few male dive buddies who just kind of liked to go off and do their own thing and a female dive buddy who kept abadoning me once in the water and later told me she was able to see me during the dive at a distance so what was the problem (at a far dsitance). That kind of nonsense I do not care for regardless of the sex of the person I am diving with. If I need my buddy for whatever reason I expect them to be near enough to assist and I expect to be near enough to my buddy to assist them if the need arises. I don't buddy with those people anymore.
If an incident happens where a dive buddy indavertantly brushes against me I barely even think about it. I find that my male dive buddies are more concious of it than I am: "I swear I am not trying to get fresh, just complete this exercise" type thing in Divemaster class, etc. No big deal to me. Now, if it were not inadvertant that would be another matter but I can't imagine any of the people I dive with even thinking of doing that or I would not be diving with them :wink:
I prefer female buddies, especially if the water is very warm :wink:

Actually, though, gender makes no difference... whether the buddy is competent or not makes all the difference. All else being equal, though, I'd rather be in the water (and do my SI with) females... cause they're nicer to look at, and flirting with them is usually better received than doing the same with guys :eyebrow:

Many of the guys I've been diving with talk about "chicks n beer," if you know what I mean. Not all of them, but certainly a lot of them. Women usually have better conversation.

That being said.. of my three favorite buddies, two are male and one is female.
Most of my dive buddies are male, only because there aren't many female divers where I dive, or they don't dive as often as I would like. Most of those buddies have been good, but some I won't dive with again if I have a choice. Either way, I don't care about the gender, only whether they're good buddies.
I agree with everyone, you want a competent diver. male or female doesnt' matter. My favorite is to dive with a person that I'm comfortable with. When we started taking classes our instructor insisted that husband and wife should never be partners. After the first three classes he said he'd let us try it once, we've been diving together ever since. It's not nearly as relaxing to dive with someone else.
I find that my male dive buddies are more concious of it than I am: "I swear I am not trying to get fresh, just complete this exercise" type thing in Divemaster class, etc. No big deal to me. QUOTE]

That reminded me of my OW & AOW classes- I had the same male instructor for both classes. He was always apologizing for having to touch me anywhere on my bc (adjusting straps, etc), and seemed really uncomfortable.. It was understandable though- he was a new instructor and I was his first female student (he was a great instructor though & I appreciate his over-politeness, although it was unnecessary).

As the person who started this thread, I just want to say that I'm not biased against who I dive with- a buddy is a buddy! As long as they are a safe, competent diver that uses good judgement I have no problem with their gender. :)
As long as I have a buddy, male or female, it's alright by me. I JustWantToDIve and this brings me much happiness. :yl2jump:
I generally prefer female buddies mostly because they have generally been more interested in the kinds of dives I wanted to do.

I love the 'spend the entire diver looking at 1 square foot of bottom' dive much better than the long cruise and more women are into that.

I will dive with just about anyone unless they do something really stupid and refuse to correct it.
Had male and female buddies. One female had no problems holding hands on a deep dive with a current - new to both of us. I don't know of a male that would have done that. Another female was always checking my SPG. Got on my nerves. She got low first.
Males - one is my son (ended up mother hovering, got on his nerves) and another was my cousin. He was great. One male buddy disappeared, sprinted off with no look back.

It does not matter to me what sex my buddy is, as long as they are competent and observant. The accidental touching/bumping - no big deal. Checking gear on each other can involve some physical contact. Both ways.
I prefer female buddies. They usually aren't into racing off, at break neck speed to see the entire area in each dive. Their air consumption is usually less, and they don't seem to get irked when I suck down my air faster and we have to surface. Also, I wouldn't mind holding anyones hand on a dive if they required it, but I'm more into holding womens hands :wink: Pipedope, you sound like my kind of diver, I love watching everything that goes on, and most people don't know what they are missing by rushing off to see the "big" stuff.

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