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women are valuable to me as much more than what they look like. they are my life partner, my friends, my co-workers, and my fellow dive buddies.

Andy, asere, please, you're killing me!!!!

However, I can! and I'm proud of it. As long as I can afford to have lip gloss and mascara I will not go out without it!
Baby, you don't need it 'cause you're just gorgeous, but if it makes you happy, go for it!
Andy, asere, please, you're killing me!!!!

well... it sounds stilted, but the sentiment is true. there's
a lot of pressure on women to look good, as if their entire
value depended on what they look like.

not so.

well, at least not to me.

that's what i was trying to convey.
Andy it's easy for someone with amazing blue eyes like yours to look good gazin' back through that mask but there are many who feel they need a little help. Thanks for trying to make us feel better though. Hee hee. R
i have resisted putting my .02 cents in (because, honestly, who cares about my opinon about this?) but here it is:

women are valuable to me as much more than what they look like. they are my life partner, my friends, my co-workers, and my fellow dive buddies.

i value them for a heck of a lot more than what they look like in day to day life, so who cares what
they look like when we are diving?

as to strangers, same thing... we're on a dive boat, relax, you dont' have to
try to look good (unless you want to). if that's what you want to do, then
go for it. but if not, why not just be yourself, without having to put a pretty face

Very well said, Andy! I respect you for your comments!


well... it sounds stilted, but the sentiment is true. there's
a lot of pressure on women to look good, as if their entire
value depended on what they look like.

not so.

well, at least not to me.

that's what i was trying to convey.
You know, you are right, and when I read your original reply I thought "Thank you!"
But this thread keeps me thinking: why does everyone always equate wearing makeup with looking good?
I know folks that will never look good, no matter how much makeup they apply.
I know folks who look great, and never put on any makeup at all.
I understand that some women do "feel prettier" with makeup, but that's not the same as really looking good with makeup.
All people look good when they are healthy, reasonably (and reasonable can stretch a long way) fit and happy with themselves and their lives. There's nothing that makes a person more beautiful than being a wonderful person that folks enjoy being around.
The only make-up I wear is touch up cream to cover the few zits I still have in my old age - I figure, if I don't want to look at them in the mirror, why should I make other people look at them?

But with regard to the PADI videos someone mentioned earlier, I still remember being horrified by the dried out, frizzy, brittle hair of some of the women! I don't use any of those hair protector products while diving because I don't want the chemicals in the water, but I deep-condition each time I come out. :05: So PLEASE do deep condition ladies - or else your hair will break off (or worse, I suppose...).

But this thread keeps me thinking: why does everyone always equate wearing makeup with looking good?

well, not being a woman, i dont' know the "psychology of
makeup" (joke) but it does seem to me that women do
wear makeup because they think it makes them look
"better." otherwise, why bother?

"better" could mean more professional, more attractive,
younger, whatever... but the individual woman has
made a decision to look "better" by applying make up.

and what i am saying is that "looking better" seems to imply
that the value of a woman is solely related to how they
look, not their skills, conversation, humor, whatever...

so... my point was, don't worry about looking better.
we're here to dive and share good times. who cares what
we look like? (in my case, thank god this is so :wink:)
Everyone has shared a lot of great comments here (especially H2Andy, will you marry me?). I do think that we should live and let live, as far as the makeup thing goes. If someone wants to wear makeup, it's their business. If someone doesn't want to, it's also their business. Don't put down someone for doing one or the other, the main thing for me is, please use top-notch personal hygiene!

I agree with ScubaLuv and others that it's really the person and their attitude that makes them attractive or non-attactive. Have you ever noticed how people tend to become either more beautiful or ugly to you the more you get to know them? There are some really ugly "beautiful" people out there, and some really beautiful "uglies". And vice versa. And women ARE more often judged on their physical apprearance, it is just a fact. Fashion magazines and Hollywood images give us all unrealistic expectations- we've got to get more comfortable in the skin that God gave us. I'm not saying to just give up, we owe it to ourselves and the ones who love us to be reasonably fit and to take good care of ourselves. I'm just agreeing that we should strive to be beautiful inside FIRST.

But I will probably never give up totally on my mascara and lipstick. Just like most of you will probably spend lots of $ on orthodontics for your kids so their smiles will look nice, and buy something really cute to wear before the next big event that you attend, or choose a new car because it's the most attractive one to you. It's okay! When I went to the horseraces once, I did better than everyone else, and I picked my horses because they were the prettiest one to me. hehehe.
well, not being a woman, i dont' know the "psychology of
makeup" (joke) but it does seem to me that women do
wear makeup because they think it makes them look
"better." otherwise, why bother?

"better" could mean more professional, more attractive,
younger, whatever... but the individual woman has
made a decision to look "better" by applying make up.

and what i am saying is that "looking better" seems to imply
that the value of a woman is solely related to how they
look, not their skills, conversation, humor, whatever...

so... my point was, don't worry about looking better.
we're here to dive and share good times. who cares what
we look like? (in my case, thank god this is so :wink:)
Actually, I shouldn't have said "everyone always" in my previous post, because of course that's not so, and there are many posts on this thread where one can tell that we value our fellow divers for their accomplishments, not because of how they look.
Still, the comments on this thread where folks have outright said something like this: "If you dont want to wear makeup that is up to your own personal taste. I myself enjoy looking good and like to feel pretty whether it is above or below water."
That sort of statement implies that someone without makeup automatically doesn't care about their appearance and can't be pretty. Maybe that's not the writer's original intention, but that's how it comes across.
As I said before, I have found many women who enjoy looking good and like to feel pretty both above and below the water, and yet don't wear makeup at all. It's not the makeup that makes someone pretty.
As you said, we are "here to dive and share good times." The makeup isn't what makes you attractive, it's who you are and what you do in life.
I don't personally wear makeup when diving, but then again I don't wear fancy work out clothes or perfume to the gym either.

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